i love that i don’t have to care

and life helps me do it i love that
i ccan let it go

and focus on me on how i wnat to feel
on how i would like to feel and i never have to
consider the actions of others when i’m choosing how it ofee

to feel i love that ig et to feel good today
that i get to love myself today and i
the contrast
helps me focus on me on my life on my

experience and i love that i get to choose the focus and i love
i know that i’ve beeen here before

i acn just drop it

i love that i can just drop it i love that
i just did and today i get ot feel good
about me i get to feel good about the flow
flowing i get to feel good about life
i get to feel good

about life i get to feel good about life
i get to feel good about life i get

to feel good about life
i get to

feel good about life
i get to feel

i love that i get to feel good
i love that i get to feel the flow
get to feel good get to feel the
flow the flow of life the flow
of well being and kow

that i m i am the one and only creator of my life
experience i love that i am i love that i know i am
i love that i get to feel the feeling of it
that i get ot play

play god not only do i get to play god
but i nowa i am god
and i get to choose wth the feeling

yes its a challenge

to feel the way
you want to feel as if it already is

but its also pretty asy


no action
only feeling no action only
feeling no action

only feeling
and i love that i get to choose it
that i get to feel it now that
i get to choosee lif etha t
i get to choose life