i love that there are miracles

all around me i love that
there are miracles all around me and the more
i look for them the more i see th

what am i here to learn to day
to remember to relax to remember
i don’t have to wrry

worry or wonder about that
to feel

i love the i know i never
have to worry i love that
the pipe

fixed itself i love that
thep ip

fixed tisef

i love thatlife always fixes iste

i love that life
always ixes
fixes itself i love having enought o
give i love feeling tappend
into life i love feeling
the relief of life loveing men
i love allowing life
to love me i love doing the wor

of letting go of being aware of my thgouts
i lov that iknow that i’m not a victim of my thoughts
or my experence i love that i get tao

create who i am in this
here and now i love that i get to calmly a
nd blissfuly

approach life with love

what am i here to learn to today
what i am i here to accentuate

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to hang out with family

i’m here to remember that i’ts only
ever me and that life can only
ever reflect me i’m here nt

to remember that this
is the only work
i do this work to remember that
this is the only work that

god is lavish
unfailing abundance


i liove that i get to choose
the feeling i love
that i get to choose

the feeling

tuned in tapped in
turned on i love knowing that
ti can

only reflect me i love
that i can choose to feel relaxed about life
i get to make the choice

to calm down and relax intot he moment
that’s what it feels like to
be able to breath to be totally
relaxed in themoment and i have the
metnal space to allow that
i have the

non pu
power the opposite of power
to rallow
allow that

so grateful for
a free good lunch
and a couple beers on a sunday

so graetful
to get to hang out
and dosomething

so grateful to get to create
so grateu

it alawys comes through in
the background
it always happnes int he


when you’re not looking

thank you for this
here and now than kyou for
the knowledget o know

that life

is far from over to know that
life is long and that
anything can happen

thankyou for the bravery to know that life

just let it all god

is all i can ever do
let it all go id all
is all i can is all

i can ever do let it all go is
all i can ever do let it all go is
all i can

ever do let ig all

all god

feel the feeling of oneness witht his
be brave enough to believe in life

be nice to myself

i love myself
not try so hard

dn’t try at all
just love myself in ths right now

love my work and know that
i am in the right place at the right time

choose to feelt he feeling right now

choose to feel the feeling right
now choose the feeling now and then the
rest comes choose the feeling
right now
andthen the
rest comes i love that i can
be brave enough to
feel the feeling right now

feel the feeling right now
feel the
feeling right now feel the
feeling right now
and ot

i don’t have to be afraid i don’t have to

hold my breath i don’t have to
be afraid i can trust the right now

trust the right now i
relax io

into this rightnow and
remember that this
is the only

work this

is the only work this is the only work
and in the air iswher e

everything is



that’s it and that’s
all and when i turn the bot

boat on my beliefts i

i turn the boat
on my reality i love that
i get to choose the signal
i send

and i love the better
it gets i get to hcoose the


of ease and flow i i

can do it
i can accept this moment as it is

i aceep

accept this moment

as it is

and when i can be happy with anything
that is when all the

things come

the secret is to remember to be happy no
matter what to feelthe feeling
now to feel the feeling now

to feel the feeling now and
what is the feeling i don’ th

don’t know but it’s always there and
i always have access to it

how i would feel if i knew
for a fact

that i would get

everything i ever wanted

how would i feel how would you feel if yo

knew everything would work otu

what am i here to learn today
to remember today

to just keep saying thank you
just keep doig the
the work the only work and be grateful for where i am
in this here and now just keep saying

thank you

for this here and now
just keep saying thank you

just keep saying

thank you

let everything go let everything
go let everything go and just relax

just relax and
allow relax and allow and i am
feel the

feeling the vibration

being massaged and i feel that i am
aware of something
i feel that i am on the
verge of something and i can feel that

with more focus on the

the work my power is rising and i can
feel that the focus on the wrok

work cultivates something within
me and i can feel mysel fl

letting go of more and more
moments of the day
and just trusting the oment
moment just feeling
the relief of this oment


just feeling the

relief of this moment
moment just feeling

the relief ofthis moment

and iknow i can

get there first and i know

it doesn’t have to be a struggle
it’s the opposite of struggle