i know that
everything in life is a feeling
and that feeling is here right now
i can’t chase the feeling because it
already is and the more i choose to know
that it is in the very moment
the more relaxed i feel because i know
there is nowhere to
get nowhere to go nothing to
because it already is
i can feel that i am allowing myself
to go deeper because
i am tired of suffereing i am
tired of feeling
between self
and god and
i would rather feel
connected i would rather know myself
my true self i
would rather life a
deeper existence and i can
always choose that in
this here an now
and now i can
choose to
accept that everything
i experiencei
in life is a reflection of
i know that it is a reflection of me
and i know it’s
easy to allow the
flow of well being to allow the flow
of god and know that
god is already
here in
this here and now
and i am
allowed to enjoy it
i am allowed to enjoy this
here and now i am
allowed to nejoy
enjoy this here and now i am
allowed to see the
best version of myself
i am in touch with the best versin of
of myself i love that i know
i am always in thouc
touch with the
version of myself i love that i know
i am alraedy p
already perfect i love that i now
i know i a
am alredy perfect
and get to love myself
for who i am and i love
that i can be okay with everything
that is i love that i can
feel i can
feel an inkling of the here and now
and the more i open up
that inkling
the more it
turns into an event horizon
every inkling is an event horizon
i love that i know i love that i know it’s
only ever me i love that i know i hav
am here to do the work
and it’s working i lov that th
the wh
the work is
working ilove t
i love that it’s working i love
the better it gets i love that
it’s workig i love that
it’s workthe
working the
loving myself and the feeling
good the doing the work
to feel good to feel how i want to fee
it’s working and i know it’s working
becuse i
because i feel good i am allowig myself
myself to feel good and i love that
i can always ay
i approve of myself and
feel the
of that i feel the truth i know the
truth i love that i know the
thruth a
truth and i’m
not faraid t
afraid ot jum
to jump into it
to take the bi l
big leap into the
the truth
the abyss known
as the mystery
the truth is the mystery
and i know that i love
that i et to
get to feel good kow
knowing that everything
always comes back around i love
feeling the feeling o m
of my heart singing i love
knowing that there is only
ever ti
right now there is only
ever thi he
this here and now and the more
the more
the more i enjoy
celebrate this mometn
better i feel and that is
all i can ever
in life is
feel all i can do is be
and i fee t
feel the feeling of that
right now i
feel the feeling of that right now
i feel the
feeling of that right now
i feel the feeling of that
right now and
it feels good to do the work
i know that i am
here to do the owrk
and i know that it’s working
i love getting to celebrate life
i love the better it gets i love
that i get ot let that
go i love that i get to feel
the other side of the wave i love
knowing that the
other side of the wave
exists and feeling for it
i know everything is
in this here and now
i know i can always allow
me to be my best self i know
that is’ nothing
nothing i lo
i know that
i alrea
am already perfect how i am i know t
i know i am aware i am aware and that
is all i can do i love
the power of
of practicing the power
i get to choose and the more i practice the
more i understand that
i am the
creator and i get to choose
i get to choose and the more
i preact
practice the more i remember
that adn
and the braver i feel the
braver i feel in
making the choice and
letting it go
i intend to look for opportunities
bravely make the choice
and then move on as if that is how it
is going to happen
i am not afraid to
settle into my powr i love
that i feel the feeling of it
and i love that i know i love that
i know the magick of life i love hat
i that i know and i love that
i get to embrace it i love
that i know that
no matter what i can alwayc
celebrate this here and now
and that is
all i can ever do and the rest
on its own
it feels good to fo cus
focus on wee
well being it feels good to fcu
focus on loving myself
feelig the feelings i want to feel
and not being afraid
of knowing that
it is all right there happening
for me it feels good to
feel the feeling to practice
feeling the feeling and knowing
that i am already perfect it feels good to
remember that i am
already perfect
it feels good to celebrate life in this
right now to de
send the signal of thank you
to practice sending the
signal of thank you and know
ever single
i a reflection
of me