I LOVE waking up feeling good i love
that our place is coming together little by little
and i am just

allowing it i love allowing it i love
making the choice to feel good

knwoing that
it can onlyl

reflect me

i have the power
to act as if i have that power
and that is my magick power

it’s god

it’s god’s job
to do the rest and i love
taht i can realx into the knowledge of that

the divine conscoiusness


consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confidnet

in letting go and letting god appear as the abundance all sufficiency
in my life
and affairs i love feeling good
i love waking up feeling good turning my attention

within toward the divine consciousness
forever expressing its true nature of abundance

i love that i get to feel good now i love waking up
feeling good i love feeling

knwoing that
knowing that i am worthy i am
worthy of gods love

of my own love

i love feeling at ease in this
here and nowi love
i love feeling at ease in this here and now
i love tha i know
that i know i am loved i love

i love

knwoing that knowing that i am
god allowing the god self to flow
through me i love allowing the god self
to flow through me

i feel good in this know i feel
knwoing in

knowing in this day i feel the
effects of the practice i love

feeling the effects of the practice i love
feeling abundance flowing through mei love

i love that the contrast helps me focus
helps me get out of the way and focus on what i want

i love that i know i am the one
and only creator i love that i know
i am the one and only

creator i love that
i knowi

i am the one and only creator
of my life experience i love that it’s a good day
i love that i feel elevated
i love that life
loves me i love that life

helps me feel elevated i love that
life loves i love
that life loves me i love that there

is so much to love

i love feeling good i love that iknow life
is flowing hrough
through e i love
i love feeling the feeling

i love trusting the feeling l
leaning into the feeling more i love

that this work brings into my feeling
nature the

very substance of spirit

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility is to be awrae of

aware of this truth

i love that i know it
already is

and thre’s

theres no action to take

i know that focus creates and
as long as i keep a laser focus on the
version i prefer

i love feeling good i love
feeling the magick of life flowing hrough

through me i love feeling the magick of life
flowing through me i love that

i love feeling good i love
i love that i know it already is i love hat
i know

that i know it already is i love that i nkow

it already is

i love feeling good i love feeling knowing
i love celebrating life
i love

celebrating life i love that here is

there is so much to celebrate in every moment
i love amking making the choice knowing
this is

is the only work i nkow this

this is the only work i know this
is the only work i love

i know that it always works i love that i know
i am the one and only creator
i love that i can


happy no matter what

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

i love where i am !!

i love where i am right now
i love

that we did it!!!

we did it i love that we did it i love that
life is good good good



allowing the breath to easily flow through me
allowing myself to release the
tension of my life

and accepting exactly where i am right now
i love doing the work

being aware of the vibration i love that
i an always practice the vibration i want i love

doing this work and
totally confidnet

totally confident
i am totally confidnet
i am

totally confident i am
totally confident i am

totally confident

in letting go and letting
god appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affairs


i love feeling at peace in my life i feel at peace

i feel totally confident i feel totally confident


i love that i am aware of how i feel and
i know that it’s all a feeling
i love that i get to act as if
i love that i can do it i love that i can do it

look toward what i want look toward what i want look toward what i want

i love feeling happy ilove
i love it already i slove

i love that i feel totally confident i love that it’s
easy to feel good no matter what

knowing that i odn’t

need anything

i choose to feel the
feeling i know the money
is the woman

i know i have the tools i know i can do it
look toward what i want i love

i love feeling happy i love
feeling happy i love

feeling totally confident i love
feeling totally confident
and today

if i start to doubt or wonder

i will choose to feel

totally confident instead

and that will become my dominant proclivity