i love tuning my vibration

i can feel the better it gets and i can
feel the energy flowing through me i can sense
when i am allowing the energy to flow
and then it does and i know that
everything in life is vibration and i
can always tune myself to the vibration
of source i love that i know this i love that
i am perfect how i am i love that i get to love myself
i love that i get to choose to feel good i love that
i get to

i love feeling good i love allowing the flow
to flow i love that there is so much to love

i love that everything is going well for us i love
that i feel good i lov that
love that i know the magick of life the science of life

i love doing the work i love this dya i love
i love feeling good i love feeling good i love

feeling the feeling i love feeling the
feeling i love
feeling the feeling of feeling

good i love the power of now i love the power

of now i love this here and now i love this

here and now i love
this here and now i love

that i get to feel good i love the power of mei love
feeling the power ofme the power of this here and now
the feeling of this herea d

and now and knowint

knowing that it’s only ever me ai love i love that i know
this is the only work
feeling good is the only work and i love that
i get to

tune myself to the vibration of yes