i love waking up feeling good

i love waking up feeling good i love
feeling energized i love feeling good in my body i love
turning the boat i love that life isgood i love

that i know i can always come back to center i love
that i know life is good i love that
i have so much to be gratefl for!!

i love thati get to feel good
that i get to live this great life i love that
i get to live a great life i love that
i get to feel good i loveth

feeling good in my life i love
feeling grateful i love loving
and feeling loved i love

that life is good i love that
there is so much to love
i love that
i get to love myself i love

that i get to feel good today
have a lazy day

do the work for myself

i love feeling good i love
feeling good i love having a lazy
day i love feeling good
in my body i love

doing this work doing this work for me
i love feeling elevated

i love feeling the flow

i love returning emails!!

i love getting my work done i love
feeling free i love
feeling the flow flowing through me

i love being in my garden

in my field i love existing
in my field and knowing that

is all ther is

there is and that
i can blissfully

watch life go by from my field

and remain the same i love that
i am the same i love that iam
the same i love feeling the

flow of life flowing through me
i love feleing

feeling well being flowing through me
i llv

i love feeling the flow of well being flowing
through me i love



tuning myself to the channel of well being
i love that i can take life

as it comes

i trust the flow of life flowing through me
i trust the flow of creativity
i trust the flow

of life i k

i let go and allow life to flow through me
i allow life

to flow through me i allow well being to
flow through me i know that

well being is always flowing i know
that well being is always flowing

i know that well being is always flowing
i know that i can choose a signel

single point of focus
i know that i never have to dread i know

that i never have to wonder
i never have to dread
i can choose to know

that life is owrking
working out for me no
matter what i love that i knokw life

life is working out for me
no matter what i love that ige t

get to make the choice to love myself and
my life i love that
i get to make the

the choice to love

myself and my life i love

that i get to feel good i love that i
get to feel good i love that
i get to love myself i love that
i get to do this work
and come back to ccenter


i love that i am

in my field i love that
i am in my field and i don’t have to care i love
that i never have to care i never

have to worry and that
i can just
choose love

choose to focs on the
focus on the flow of lwell
well being that is flowing thorugh me

i love a good lazy day i love that life is good i love
that life is good forme no

no matter what i love that life

loves me i love that life loves me

in this here
and now i love where i am right now
i love that there is so much to love
and be grateful for

i love that i can always choose gratitude
i can always choose love
i liove the
better it gets i love the
better it gts i love

i love that i amletting more and more of it
go every day


anger and pain
that i buried deep inside myself
and every day

i am allowing myself to feel more
of that pain to allow it to be expressed through me

i am not denying it
i am allowing it i am not denying it
i am

allowing it i am allowing it

i am allowing it to flow through
me i am allowing myself to feel the

pain and allow it to be disperesed

i feel the pain of never feeling like
i felt in

feeling like
i wasn’t a part of something
like i was

from my own extended family
not loved by them

enough i feel the pain
of feeling like i wasn’t enough i feel
the apin

pain of blaming
someone else
i feel the pain
of it being myi dad’s fauly

blaming him

i feel that pain
and i release it
i relase the

the pent up anger
the hate4i t

i turned on myself i feel the
pain of the hate i turned on myself
because i thought i want’s

wasn’t enough
because i thought it was my fault
and i love that i

every day i can allow more of this
pain to be expressed rather
than pushed down
and the more i allow the

pain to express itself

the better i feel

i love doingthis wor
this work and feeling better i love

that i’m there
i m

here i have arrived in the here and now
i amhere and

i n my

in my vortex
in the present

i know there is only ever the present
moment i know there is
only ever

here and now
there is only ever here and now

i love myself

in this here and now
i love this here andnow

i am tuned in this here andnow

and now i know the secret to life
i know the secret to life
i know ia m go

am god i know i am the one
and only creator
and when i think something i get to ask

is that what i want

is this what i want?

if not, look for something else!
and i have the power to do that
in every

here and now