i love waking up feeling good

i love having a good day i love that
the work is working i remember who i am that i am
the one and only creator
i know that

all my suffering is caused by me and i also
know that all my joy is caused by me
i know it’s all me


i love that life is working out for me
that it’s only reflecting me that i feel good now

i feel good now i feel the flow right now i feel
the flow int his her

in this here and now i feel happy int his
here and now and i know that what i look for i see
what i look for i see

i love that what i look for i see i love
that lifei s go

is good

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance
i am
conscious of the constant activity of this
mind of infnite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

consciousness is filled with the light of truth
i love that there is always more than enough i love
that i get to choose to look for what i want to see

my consciousness is filled with the light of truth
i love that my consciousness is filled with the light of truth
i love that there is already more than enough i love that

there is so much to love that i can believe in myself
int his

this here and now

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish
i am conscious
of the constant
activity of this mind of infnite prosperity


my consciousness is filled with the light of truth
i am conscious
of the inner presence as my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant

activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

i love feeling the light of truth flow through me
i love that hte pla
the plan is working i love that it always does i love that
life always works out for me

i am focused fully
on the consciousness

filled with the light of truth
my consciousness is filled with the light of truth

i love that i know this i love that it’s
all flowing to me
as i let it i am allowing life
to flow to me

and through me i love that

there is so much to love i love that l

it’s woking i love that ti’s working
changing my thought process
changing what i’m looking for and i love that
it all just comes to me so quickly and easily
i love that life flows easily
to me

when my consicousness is filled with
the light of truth

my consciousness is filled wit the light
the light of truth i love doing

this work and remembering who i am i love that it

it’s fun and easy to have a good day
a god day

let’s have a god day!!

where we look for the evidence of god in
everything where i

we celebrate every moment
because every moment is an
event horizon when

where we focus

fully on god and nothing

focus fully on the consicousness

of the inner presence

i am conscious of the inner presence as
my lavish abundance
i am conscious
fo the c

of the constant activity
of this mind of infnite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish abundance


i love that life is flowing through me i love
that life


i love that the work always works
what i look for i see and so

grateful to the contrast that helps me focus
so grateful for this day for everything going my way

for my consciousness of
the inner presence

as my lavish


so grateful to the
inner presence for the
true version of me of who i am

so grateful to wake up
as my true self as my

real self

i love feeling good i love seeing evidence!!

i love that we already have the best job
the best clients i love that

i love that the flow is flowing i love that i
feel it i am conscious of the vortex
the place where nothing matters because i know

i know


that i am the cause of my
suffering and my joy i know it’s all here forme

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant activity of thismind

i love that i am a match
i love that i get to look for what i want to see i love
i love

that i love life is good for me i love that it’s
all right here for the taking i love that i cn gra

grab it!!
i love that it’s all here for me i

it’s all right in front of my face
and i am celebrating it
i love that life always flows through me

i love that life

is good!!!

i love that life

loves me i love that

there is so much to love

i love feeling the fullness of who i am
i love

feeling the perfection of who i am
i love
feeling the god self flowing

i feel perfect i

i am conscious of the inn

Inner Presence

as my lavish abundance
i am
conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infnite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with the light
of truth


my consicousness is filled

there is always more than enough there is always
more than enough to love


with the light of truth and i love
that my light is overflowing i love

that my light

is overflowing i love that there is
