i refuse to feel lack

i refuse to give away my power i

refuse to

i will wake u fee
up feeling good i will have a good day
i feel

i do feel free i am free
i know i dont have to thik about that
i know i dont have to

pick that up i can just enjoy rig
where i am right now i dont need anything

i dont need anything from
anyone i

when i am ware

aware of the god self within me as my total fullfillment

i am totally fulfilled

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fullfillemtn


i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled

i hae the god slef self within me i have the god self within me
i know that it son ly

only ever me and that i created it and i ca
have to take responsivlity for that i already knwo i alreayd know

that i made it and if mad then its at myself for creating it

i know tha ti am the one and only creator because
everything is god and god is me

everything is me and i know this
i take responsiblity for it

when i am ways
aware of the god self within me

as my total fulfillmetn

i am totally fulfilled

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creativve energy
which continuoylsy


and effortlessly pours foht
forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware o ai m
i am now in the flow

i dont havve to pick that iu
i dont h

i dont have to crat
create that e
version i can just let it o forever

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world
and place my entire fore c

focus on the god wtihin as the only
cause of my prosperity

i keep my mind and thoughts off this wrold

world sns
and iits that easy becase i can

trust life i trut the expo
to proveid

provide i rsut
trust the expo to proviide and i knwo

i dnt
have to lok to anyone for support

im siappoint

very disappointed the support wasn’t there

i dont have to care i

when i am ware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i dot have to let myself go there
i dont have to let it

get to me i dont have to let it get ti me

i can just let it go i let
let the so called friendship go

let the so called firends
friendship go and im t
ahppy to im happyto be free

im happy to be free thank you for seeting me

setting me free thank you for helpming
me see the truth

grateufl to come here and rememer the rtrh

the truth to remember who i am that id ont h
that i never have to care tha i

get to choose life that ig et o
to choose the flow i
that i get to allowt he flow

that i get to keep my mind and thougths off this world
and place my entire focus on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i keep my mind and thoughts off this wrolds
and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i keep my mind

i love the magick of life and that it is always flowing

i love that the magick iis always shoowing itself i love that
life loves me i love my doctor i love that he
care so

about me i m sog grateufl for everyton ethe
im sog rateu

so graeful we can afford it some

so grateufl for my wife who olve
loves me and takes care of me

so graefl to let go of attachments
and trust the flow
so grateufl to

to come here and remember that i am
totally fulfilled i

i am totally fulfulled

i am totally fulfilled
and i love that i get to do this wor the
the only work and nip it in the
the bud
i love that i get

to celebrate feeling free

celebrate not caring
feeling totally fulfilled
i am totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled

i love that i dont have to carae i love
i love that i

dont have to allow anything outside
of e to affect hw

how i feel i love that i knwo that’s
the poer of me

i love that i get to choose to pput it
down i and knwo

that ia m alreayd totally fulfilled
and just feel the feeling of that
and not look for reasons
not to

just o
focus on the thing sthat feel good that iw ant more
of and i
that part and just fade out

that part can just fade out

grateful to relese that forever
to remember who i reall am to feel free

to wake up feeling free
to have the whole say

day ahead of me to put that down
and just feel good with god to chooset he god
feelign and
and ntoh

not look to anything else to knwo that i can
trust what happens

that i dont have to be freinds with people
that i dont think care about me

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world

im just not going to go there im
not going to go ther eim
not not

going to think about it
im must

not going to let it goet


get to me im just not goint o let ti
it get to me
when im the one that created it and i know ia m

im the one who created it im the one
who created it and i love that
i get to let it go i love that i get to let it go