i want to enjoy life

i want to feel good i want to feel good i want to feel love
i ant to feel at ease

i want to feel at ease i want to
feel at ease

i want to feel good i want to release this i want to be
a happy person i want to be a happy person i want to feel good

i want to love life i
know that whatever happnes in s

is in my favor in my favor

iwant to love i love i want to love
i want to feel the feeling of esae

i want to not care i want to gn
know i want to feel the god feeling i want

to love i want to love i want to feel complte

i awnt want to feel whole

i can feel it i can feel it
peaking through i can feel it i can feel it i can feel the
god feeling i know i can do

i know i know its only me i nkow

what do i prefer??

what o i prefer??

because its coming from inside the house

its me its me me

its me am at at

am iat eaet iam
am i in the flow am i saying yes

am i saying yes

am i saying yes i

am i saying yes