i want to have a good day

and i get to because i choose to because the feeling helps me
because the feelign is me be

because the feeling loves me i get to feel good i
get to have a good tday

day for me i get to feel the feeling of god for me
i get to feel the feeling of god

for me i love that i get to feel it get to focus on it
get to feel the magick life get to feel the magic life

get to say yes to the magc liek

grateful to feelthe magick of life

feel the real magic to feel how good feels
today i feel how god feels today i c

i celebrate life i allow life to be new
i allow life i allow life to flow
today i allow life to flow

today i allow

life to flow i allow life to flow

i get to release the mind today i
ge to release the mind today i
get to release the mind today i dont need the mind

i choose the magic i choose the magic
today i choose the magic todayi choose

the magic to day

i get to feel it tday i get to feel good because i choose it
i choos the god self i choose to day y

say yes to the god seld self todayi choose
the focus on the god self

today i canchoose the focus on the god self
not hte moind self i dont nind

mind i love that i get to not mind
today i get ot not main

ind to

mind today i get to choose n o mind

today i choose the god self today
i choose the god self i

today i choose the god self todayi choose the
god self and it so eay to choose

the god self it s

so easy to choos ethe god self
i love that i get to choose it today i love
that ig et t

to choose the flow today i
love that i get to choose the flow

i love

today i get to feel the god self

i get to feel the god self i today i feel
the god self i

todya i am the god self today i
dont have to care becasee i ahve

i have the god self i am the god self
i am the god self today


today i choose the proximity t god and know that
is all there is i love hta ti
get to choose it today

finally i feel like choosing it i i love that
im here deciding what kind of day im going to have i loe tha t

i choose the gd self todayi choose fun
i choose magic flowing through me and i love that
i get to that i get to have a good day i loi
i get ot choose i

i get to choose the powwer of me i cho
ge to choose the poer of me i get to choose the magic f me
i get t

to choose the magic the feeling of the magic
i get to choose the feeling

the feeling god
would feel i get to be awrae and know thats all there
is i get to sink meo

more and more into the presenc t
i lovet hat ig et ti i love that

i love that i get to i love that i get to i lovve

that i get to feel the magicc that i get to do it in the
ari that i

i get to do it in the air i et to do life
in the air i get to do life in the air i get to

to choose i get to choose i get to
choose the magi

the god self awareness self and that is all there is
i get to choose the awareness self

the magic self i get to choose the fe
magic self i am the magic self

i am the magic self i get to choose the magic self
allow the magic self feel how god feels

i get to feel how god feels i k
i love that life i alawys on my side
that i know that the
the feeling and only the feeling drives life a
and i get to feel it here and now

so grateful to feel empowered to choose
life to choose life right now

allo of life is bliss
i know that all of life is bliss
i love that i get to choose i i love that

i get to choose bliss i love tha t
i gt to choose the bliss of not
f wholeenss
of sompleel

completelness with god

toda i get to refuse to suffer today
i get to have fun today i get to enjoy

being today i get to feel the
feeling the feeling of life
the feeling of knowign the feeling of the feeling
of celebrating the feeling its here and i nkow its real

becuasee i feel it here and now
its here and i know tis real becausee i feel it here and now

i love that i get to i love that i know god that life
helps me know god that life helps me know god

that i get to feel how god would feel that i get to choose
not to mind that i get to choose to not mind
that i get to hcoose to love instead

that i get to choose to allow life that i
get to feel the feelig i want to feel that i
get to not think about it that i could msim



not think abou it

i love that i knwo the feeling that i
all i can ever do is feel that i all i can do is
feel i love tha ti know that a

all i can do is feel