i’m a witch too

and i kow my power i know my ower

i know my power i love that i rememer i love that
i get to flip the switch i love that i get to say yes i
get to call

allow it i get to la

allow it i get to allow life i get to
allow life i get to allow life i get t al

alow life to flow through me i get t a
to allow myself to be filled up

i love feeling good i love feeling
goof i love

godo i lvoe that i get to feel good
that i get to
drive that i get to dcei
decide that i get to remember i ahve the power

i get to feel good i get to feel certain
i get to remember i get to remember

the i am
i get to remember the i am

i get to remember the i am

i get to remember the iam

the focus the power the knowing the switch
the letting go the

the letting go the knowings its on
the l

knwoing its only me the not needing anything i love the
feeling of not needing anything

i love the feeling

i love the feeling of me
i love the

feeling of me i love the feeling of me i love the

the poewr of me who has the power who ahs
has the power wh o

has the power i love remembering i love that i know
the vorte i

is always right here and now i love hta t
i ddont ‘ah

i dont’ need anythign i love that i dont
need tha
naythign i love flipping thes w

switch i love that i now tis me i love that i know ti

its’ me i love that i know tisl i

it’s me i love that i now i am
i am the cetner i am the choice i cam
i am the cour
source i am the cours
source i know the feleing of me i kow the pwoer of me
i know that wht
the feeling is eek is iwthin me

its the feeling of knowing that life
is on my side its the feelng of getting to chooe

i relesa

i relase

i release wondering and choose knowing
i choose the feeling of th wish
the wish fulfilled
i choose the feeling of the s
with s

wish fulfilled i choose the
feeling of the wish fulfilled i chosoe the

feeling i knwo tim i
im the source and life follows the feeling i love that

i don’t need anythig i love that i ahve it all right here and now i love
the time and space to do
to do thisw ork to get to choose love to et to choose love


get to choose love i t t
i et to i ge to
i get to choose love today

i know the feeling i kow the feeling of letting go i know the
feleing i kow the feeling of knwoing

of knowing i know the feeling of knwoign
i know that life always matches me i know that life always

matches me i love that i know i’m the source

i make the choce

i make the choice i mak

the choice to feel the feeling of loe i make the choice to
feel the feeling of love i mak ethe


the choice i make the choice i amke the choccie to feel the
feeling of the with

wish fulfilled i break through i breakt he spell i beak the

sepll spell ia m aaware and i re

releae the tension i knwo thate veyto

eveythign outside of me is fke and i kow that
i don’t need anything
ican cj

just choose
to loe and n

have nothing to gain i know that everything ouside
of me is fake i ilove that i know ths i love that
i now tis’ not ra

real that it can onl relfec me
i love that ig et to choose love

i get to choose the feeling i am awera

i get to not care not only that
i can’t care i cant put it outside of me
its not


outside of me its nse

never outside of ms

i make the choice i mka ethe
the choic ei am

i am the one and only creator i am
i mteh i am the one and onlly creaotr
and i get ot amke to

the choice that its already mine

i get to make the choice to feel it now and its the
feeling of not caring that is the feeling

that i the feeling i love that i know that
i dont need anything

that the only thign imssings i si
god that i know ia mg od and
and that eveything is in my favori know the
feeling of me the feleing of ceratinty

i dont need a thing i now th i know that
i now that i nkow the feeling i kow

i know the feeling and all ic an do

is feel the feeling

all i can do is feel the feeling
all ic and o is

can do is feel the feeling i knwo the feleing
creates i know for sure the feeling creates

i get to choose what i prefer
i get t

to choose what i prefer