and i stand behind that knowledge
i know what a
who and what i am i know that
i am god and thre’s not
nothing more valuable than that
so grateflt o finally be learning so
much about myself and os
so grateful life helps me learn
so gratefl to be aware that its my
own insecurities!!!
i love that i know thsi and i get to
choose to learn how to not be insecure
i love that i get to choose this i love tha t
i get to cho
do this work the feeling work aware that it’s only ever the
feeling and i get to make the choice
to feel confident again!!
to love msyelf again to know i am the god self
gain i love that i get to choose to love msyelf
to stand behind it
to love me the way god loves me
grateful to remember life to come
back to life to know the feeling of life
to know for sute that
sure that the feeling always comes fisrt
the feeling always comes firstr
and its so fucn to remember that
to remember that the feeling is hte
the only work ad t
and that i get to choose teh feeling
i get to choose teh feeling right now
and then it already is
becase life
life doesen’t have a choice
i amke the
make the choice and then life
follows but life
doesn’t have a choice
back to fully crushing it
back to remember who i am what i am
not only am i god but also
god loves me
and all of life loves me and
is conspiriting
in my favor
all o flife is in my favor
of life is in my favor i love that
i know that
this that i neve rhave to
have to wonder
i never have to wonder guce
because i know i know the secret to life
so i never have to wonder
sor giht
right now i’m done checking for evidence
and i love that it
always comes i love that it
always comes
i’m back to fully crushing it and
it feels so good i’m back to fully crushing it and i
it feels so good and i know
ti’s just a feeling i knwo its
just a feeling i know that all of life
is the feeling and life only reflects me
how i feel i create everything with how i feel and i am
i know this i know this i know this
i create with how i feel
and the only work
is figuring out how to feel the way tyou
you want to feel right now
the only work is
the only challenge is feeling the way
you want to feel right now
and when your emember that you’re always
creating with how you feel
its’ easy to just feel how you wnat to
to feel the feleing of it already being
that’s all i can ever do
is feel the feeling of it already being so
that’s all i can and i know this is the only work
i love that i have so much to celebrate right now
that i can already feel that is so
and i know that feeling
it’s the releasing of all resistance
of false beliefs of mad up narratives and tak
taking back the narrative
i get to take back the narrative
and when i accept it as something
that i already have it doesn’t seem like
such a big deal
becaues i already have it alreayd
have it and that’s all i can that’s all
i can do is feel the feelin i want to feel