i’m here!

i love waking up to a new day full of possibilities
i love remembering who and what i am i love tapping into the power
of me and i love that i know how to do it i love that
i know how to tune myself to the feeling of god i love that
i know that is my only work

i’m here tuning myself to the tune of god
which means letting go of all resistancce
and tapping into the truth that my feelings and beliefs are what
create my reality and i know this for a fact

i know this so i come here to feelthe feeling to remember the
feeling of me to remember the feeling of me

i’m here now so i gt to feel the feeling i get to feel the
feelingo f the present the feeling of knowledge the
feeling of focus i get to feel the
feeling of focus in this here and now and i love that i get to
i love that i get to let the rest go
and align with the pure feeling of


the unresisted life i love that i get to feel it
flowing through me i love that i get to ccelebrate life
that i get to feel the perfection of life
that i get to know that i am

the selector i know that i am the selector and i come
here to remember my poweers of

powers of selection

i’m here and i’m focused i’ here and i’m
focused on how i want to feel i know that
the feeling of connection with god is always right here with me

i know that i am the one an odnly creator
and i create with how i feel i know i get to c
choose to feel how i want to feel i get to choose
the feelig

first comes the feeling and the expectation
comes the experience
and i know this is true

i know this is fact and i’m grateful to know it
to get to explore it i know that life is alwaysf lowing
to and through me

i know that i’ll never be poor again
i know that life is on my sid ei love that i
get to feel successful
i know that there is only this here and now

i feel the feeling i feel the feeling inside of me
and ‘m so grateful i know i know the
feeling of life i know the feeling of life

the feeling of letting go and letting god


i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative enegy which
is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring fro

forth from my divine conciou


i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i am celebrating this day
this magickal day i ceebrat

celebrate the day i celebrate the
energy of life
i celebrate the energy of life

today i’m on the lookout for all that can go right
today i’m on the lookout for amazing awesomeness

i know something amazingly awesome is going to happen to me
and i’m on the lookout

i’m scouring for blessings and i know that miracles aboudn

i know that miracles abound!!

i’m on the lookout for miracles
i’m tuned to them and i knokw they are everywhere
in every moment i love that i know ths i lov ethat
i know t

i love that i know this i love that i know that
miracles are always finding their way to me
i love that ig et to choose this get to focs o

focus on this get to feel good get ot have a focus
get to look for all that is good in the world get to
feel good now get to have something to focus on
get to feel good in my life!!

get to celebrate my life
get to focus on feeling good and looking for the best
today i’m looking for the best and i now that
what i look for i see
today i’m on the lookout for the best

i’m on the lookout i’m on the lookout
and i’m playing the game of life
today i have a resons

reason to celebrate
i’m on the lookout for reasons to celebrate
i am genertation
generating celebrations
with my emotions
i love that its’

it’s that easy i love that life is easy
i love that i get to choose it
i love that i know that

ii get to choose it i love that i know that i get to choose it

i’m on the lookout i’m on the lookout for miracles

for things that are amazingly awesome
and i know they area all

materializing as we speak
i know this is the only work

how i feel is the only work
how i feel is the only work and i

i know tha this is the only owrk and i celebrate that
this is the only work i know that art

is life i know that art is life
and i’m so grateufl i get to make this art i get to make this art
every day more than that i get to feel the
art of life
i get to feel the art of life
and i love that i get to fel

feel it that i get to tap
tap in i get to tap in tot he feeling and feel the miraculous feeling
of life i love that i get to feel the
certainty of it i love that i

get to feel the certainty of life i love that i
get to feel the certainty of life

today i’m looking for all the amazingly awesomeness
of my life and i know it’s all aorund me i love that i
get to celebrate it i get to feel the
feeling of knwoig tis all around me