i’m here

i’m here i am

i am and that is all there is
i am and that is all there is

so grateful to be here to love my life
to get to love my lief right now
so grateful to love my life right now

i’m here i’m here i am

i am i am i am that i am i am that i am

the divine consciousness i am

i’m here dong what
doing what



making the choice for how i want to feel i’m here making
the choice for how i want to feell

i’m here using the feeling the feeling is teh secret
remembering how i want to feel

i’m here feeling how i want to feel

i am

i am

i am and that is all that matters i love remembering

i love doing the work to remember i love rememign
it is all me
i love that i get to remember i love that i get to rememberin

i love that i get to do this work the only work i love that
i get todo the only work
get to be the only work
i love that it’s so easy to feel the energy rise
to feel the feeling rise
to feel the fee

feeling here and now to be it

here and now i am here an ow

i love that i get to feel it i g
i love

that i am it i love that i am it here and now i am it here andnow

i’m here no and its so easy to rell e

feel energized when you relase the
rest i love that i get to release i love that
i get to feel good now
get to feel good in my life get to feel good now

i am

in the knowing that i am
that i can allow life to flow through me
that i can always celebrate this day
and allow life to flow through me

i get to feel it now i get to feel it now
i love that i get to feel ti i love that
i get to feel ti i love that

i get to feel ti i love that
i get to be it i love that i
get to feel the

the fullness of me i love that i know i can only feel it right here andnow
i love that i know that i can aonly feel it here and now i love that i know

i know i can nonly feel it here and now

i feel it i feelthe god energy i knwo i am
the god energy i love that i knwo i

i am the god energy i love that i know i am
the god energy i love that
i know

i am the god energy i love that i know i am
god i lov that

i love that i know i am god i love that
i get to just be i love

i love that i can feel the energy of life
any time i love that ig et to feel it here andnow
i love that i get to feel the god self here andnow i love that
i am it i love doing this work
feeling good i love that i get tod o this work and feel good i lvoe that
i get to do this work and feel good i love that
i get to feel the flow

i can do it i can focu on the
feelnig and then i remember the feelnig the god self
adn i

and i feel good i know that its easy to remember the god self and feel g

good i love that its eay to remember the god self
to be the god self to remember the feeling of the god self i love that
i gt to be the god self that i get to hav fun

i get to have fun and enjoy the day
enjoy the moment
be the moment i love that i
get to i love that i ge tto

be the moment i love

that i get to feel the god self i love the
feeling of feeling the god self of being the god self ao

of allowing life to ahppen i love that
i know that i never havet o resist
i love that i get ot feel good i love that
i get to feel good
get to feel the
get to be the flow get to live life magicaklly

i love that i know the truth and i get to live it i know my truth
andthat’s all that matters i love that i know this

through life experience

i know the feeling of the focus
i know the feeling of the magick of life
and i know it is here in me i know it si me

i love that i know the feeling and i get to live it
i know that

i love that i know the feeling and i get to live it
i love that i nkow the

the truth of life i love that
i know i am the one and only crator


i love that i know i am the one and only crator
i love that i ge tto be it
get to live by it

live by the truth i know i get to live my

by the truth that i know t
live by the truth that i knwo li lvoe

i love that i ge tto i love that i’m here now
doing this owrk the only work
i love that i’m here now doing the only work i love that i’m

here now doing the only work
i love that i am it i love that i am
it i love i k

i know the

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledget hat the
activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life