i’m here

doing me doing my work doing the focus work
the unofcus work the

rleasing the training of rhte mind work the centered work the embodied work the flow work the foxus

focus work i’m here i’m here
aligning myself witht he source within i’m here alignin myself
with the source within
relaxing into the flow of life
into the flow of life

i’m here enetere
centereing i’m here relaxed i’m relaxed into awarness
i’m here

i’m hre i’m here
celebrating life i know that life loves me i know that life

i’m hre i’m here i’m at ease ai
i’m in the flow i’m happy ‘m loving

i am love i am awareness
i am love

grateful to be here
aware of the flow aware of the feeling
aware of the self i am here

aware of the self i am the self i am
here wa

aware of the self i am me i am
the infinite self i love where i am right now
i love that

i ilove where iam right now i love that life is
good for me and i get to choose it i get to continue
to feel good to feel the flow to feel the
feeling to feel good here and now
to feel good here and now
to feel good here and now

so grateful for the time and space to do this work
so grateful to feel good