i’m here and i get to have fun i get to allow
source to take the wheel i get to enjoy this day i get to enjoy my vacation i get to
have fun i love that i know i lov ethat i kno wi am
the creator
i love that i’m not even dreading it i love hat
that i know tis going to be fun i love that
i get to feel good gh
that ig et to feel good now i love that ig et to feel good now
get to feel the energy flowing through me get to create it
i love how far we’ve come!!
i love being asked i love that we wre
were asked i love that soemone liked our work enough to ask i love that
they like our work i love that they love our work i love that
they love our work
i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel a weight lifted i feel the flow flowing i feel god flowing through me
i feel god loving through me i feel good if eel the
god self i feel myself
giving up giving in and
and giving it over to source i love hat
it will be over soon and its not even that bad its not
even a big deal i lov that
aht we
we get to choose it i love that
we get thave fun
i know that if i come with love then that is what life
life will show me i love that i
get to choose i love that
tis easy to choose i love that its easy
to love i love that its eay to love i love that
its easy to tune myself to the vibration i love that
i get to feel good i love that ig et to
feel energized i love that ig et to bring the energy i love that
i get to be it i love that
i get
to direct love to all i love that
im the oe
one that got asked i love that
pepole do respect and undertand our work!!!
i’m here i’m here and i feel good i feel good i feel
the release i feel the greate re
great release and i love that i
get to that i get to release that i et
get to let source do it that i getto
to know it will be perfect that
i get to love that i get to
to feel good that i get to feel confidnet that i get to
feel knowing tha ti get to connect with people
i love that i’m
always getting what i want i love that
life is always giving it to me i love that i know life lovs me i love that
i know life loves me
i love that i know th
life love me i love that i know life
loves me i love that i get to choose the focus
get to choose the alignment
get to choose certainty get to choose the feeling that i know life
must reflect
i geel the
i feel the feeling first
then life follows i feel the
feeling first and then life follows
whats so bad about it?
might mess up
might say the wrong thing
might not be able to articulate myself fully
but that’s ok!!
becuase it doesn’t matter
and i’m a person and i did my best!!
i put in time and i really tried and that
will show i know that its all going to go
perfect and i
today i’m dedicated to feeling good and it feels so good
to make the choice to feel good
and also feel the great release and actually feel good
to feel the absence of dread so
grateful to feel good now to feel confidnet now
to feel the flow flowing th
right now to feel so grateful fr
right now to feel love right now so g
rateful to feel the feeling of love right now
so grateful to feel good to
feel the release to feel the flow
flowing the knowing
the o
knowing of god the knowing of the
feeling the
feeling is the secret
so grateful to wake up feeling good
to feel the arrow
reelasing and feel grateful to knw it will
come and go and then its over
ii know there’s nothing to dread because life
always reflects the feeling and i feel love so
life has no
but to follow i love that i know i get to feel love
and then life responds i get to
practice what i preach i get to practice what i re
preach i lov
i love that i get to i love that i get to feel the
flow i love that i feel greate i love
that i feel energized i love that
i love life i love that ig et to love life
that ther is so much to lov ei lov ethat
ther eis so much to love
and i feel it and i’m so grateful for the feeling i love
that i get to feel the feeling of it
i love that i get to live the truth
get to live the magick life today is magiick
i love
that i get to
to know that today is magick
and live by it i love that
i know today is magick
and i get to live as if it is because it is becuase i know it
i know it and i get to feel it right now
i get ot fee the
the truth of the moment i get to feel the truth of life
i am the truth of life i am god
and i get to jump jfull
fully into that i glo
i love that i ge tto be me
that i get to make the choice that ig et
get to decide