i’m here

i love that i know i love that i know
i love that i kno the truth and i love thatis so

easy to direct my attention only within and i love
that i know that’s all that matters i love that its so easy there
so easy here so easy in the here and now

so gratefl tor emember who i am
how beautiful i am
even at my scrubbiest lol

i love that i know who i am i love that i get to have fun i lovet hat
i get to love i love that i get to relax in w

knowing that nothing outside of me will make me feel the way i thin it will
and the only source of that feeliing
is releasing the tentios to exist in my natureal

natural state

i love that i know its teh natural state

the state i seek
the feeling i seek is me
the feeling is s

i seek is already me the feeling i seek is already
me and i love that i know this!!

i know who i am what i am
and the feeling i think i m
going to get outside of me
is already me its already love i get to choose love i
get to be love and i love that
i know that it’s easy i love

that life is good to me i love that it slfow

flows perfectly to and through me
i love that it flows perfectly
i love that i know

life loves me

i love who i am right now i love wher ei am right now
i love

that i am right now

i love that i am right now i love that i feel the
feeling right now and it
already is i love that i’ve learned so much i love that
i get to choose teh

the feeling the natural state
i love that i know i don’t have to go there

i never have to go there
i don’t have to put my attention there
ic an pull it in
i can put it at center

i exist at center i exsits at love
and i know that the feeling iw ould seek
outside of me

is alredy here with me

how do i want to live how ido i want to be
and i don’t have to change i just

am aware i am i am aware
i don thave to change anything
just be awre
aware just be aware

i don’t have to change anything i don’t have to change

i want to have fun i want to have fun
i want to feel good i want to feel good i know its all me

i hate feeling like this haha knowing
its my own falut too im pois

pissed at myself for a
letting mysef

get life
lke this im pissed at myself for letting myself
get tlike this but like this

is a choice is a choice like this is a coihce
choice like this is a choice



i hate having to do the work but here i ma

i put my attention outside of me and i’m no
now i’m sucing

sucking it back in i’m sucking it back in i’m

returning to center to center
i’m cutting off my head i’m

‘m mad because i dont want to get there early and just be sitting around
its so cu
fucking annoying

its so fucking annoying that
ugh i can’t ever type it

i’m j4made

mad that i’m annoyed and i know tsi
my period so ill just
check out and what
else can i co

od i m
in a terrible fmood
what else can i do besides be awre

i know this work always works and wh
the work is nothing the work is saying

i am in a terrible mood yes im made
mad i have to go help he
yes im n
mad we have to get there early for no reason
yes i’m mad i car
yes everything is on my last nerve

yes i want to stay home
yes i want to go do bed
yes im mad at myself for getting caught up

yes i’m crabby yes im mad yes im wasting the day
being in a bad mood yes aim pusthing life wawy

away yes im cutting myself off from life
yes im pinching off thef low of well being

yes im saying no haah
yes im pushsing a


away what i want yes i got what i want and i’m upper lmi

limiting yes im up
upper limiting
yes im insecure

im afraid of being juedge

yes im afraid of doing teh wrong thing yes
im afrail

looking stupid
yes i want to hav fun
yes i want to feel good yes i dont care

yes i dont care i know i dont care
i love that i dont hi love that
im haveing fun on matter whta

yes im worried about how much fun im having
yes im going to have fun no matter what

i know the feeling and i know the cohice
can dthe

the choice is eay