i’m here

keeping up the good work the only work
choosing me choosing to feel good about me choosing to feel
good about me about myself
choosing the feeling of me no matter what chosoeing the feeling
of m

choosing to feel good about myself to ccho
chooseing to know how hot i am choosing to know how i hot i am
to know how i hate

hot i am and act like it choosing to know how hot i am

choosing to know how i hot i cam an
am ance celebrate it and i nkow tis a s

its a matter of vou
focus its a matter of focus i know tisa amter
matter of co
focus and a choice how i feel i know its a choice how i feel i
get to choo
choose how i feel i get to choose
how i feel i lovee that i get toi

choose i get to let that go
forever i get to chosoe to allow
well being i know tis just p
a point of focus i know im
too powerfucl

i know im too powrufli
knowt hat i can turn my focus towraer what

i knowt god is my metabolism
god is the energy of life and im here to remember
the neergy

the energy of life the energy of li
of me allowing life l
of lal

allowing life to flow through me
allowing love to flow through me
im grateufl i et to choose im

grateul i get to ch
to choose my power ot ubilid

i loe that i get to choose i i love htat i
get to choose to love myself i love
that i get to chooset o be the x
sourcce i get to choos to feel good about mysef

i get to choose to feel good about myself
i get to choose
to feel good about myself

i get to choose hwat i look for i lov that i
get to choose h
what i look for what i look for that i lok for
i love
i get to choose ht j

i love that i am aware i love that i nkow life
love s

loves me i lovve tha i get to choo
choose it i love that i get to choso the
feeling i watn to fel and then it is i love that
it alredy is i love

that it

so gratefl that life is perfect so
so grateufl i look the
best ivve ever looked ao
so grateufl i look good

so grateufl i can let it go
and allow god to love
to flow its easyt oc hoose
its e

easy to be aware its easy to be conscious i know ot h
how easy it is to be cconscious
fo the ersion i create i know

of the version i create of the cersion
version i create of the version i create

of the way i feel of what i expect
gratefult o be here doing the work

i feel the magick of life right now
i feel the magick of life right now
and i know that if its missin g
its becaue im

looking outside of me
i aloo

allow myself to feel the magick of life right now
i pracctice the feeling right now

i feel the magick of life the knowing of life
the feeling the secret feeling i feel the
secret feeling right now
here and now i feel the secret feeling here and now
and i know thats all ther eis
i love

that i get to i loe tha i can allow life
to insprei
inspire fme i love the etter
the better it gets i love thet
ath i feel good

i love that this work always works i love that
i know the feeling of me i love that i get to feel

it get to choose it over and over knwoig that
its fact it is the fact of life i love that i

get to choose it i love that i know it up to me
i love that i know its up to me i love htat i feel good
i love that i get to celebrate my good life
i love that i get to

celebrate life
love i love that i get to lookf o
for what i want to see
i love that i get to

have a good life i love that i
get to celebate life i get to
allow love to flow through me
i get to love myself i p
get to practice it and then e it

be it i get to love myself
i get to love myself i get to love
like myself i get to like myself i choose to like myself
i choose to know im the shit i choose to know
and feel how ot
hot i know i am

i release i release the separate self i release the
separate self i know that i am not my body i now that

that i am not anyintng i m not anything
i know that i am not anything i now

im here to feel the magick i know i know
i know the power of me
i know th po

the power of me i kow the power of me and i cahve to
choose how i see myself i have to choose how i see

myself the thoughts i thin ab
bout myself and i love that i
get to choose

i am totally fulfilled i am
totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled
i love that ima
i love that its easy to feel complete i love that
tis easy to feel o
complete to feel the god flowing thorugh me
to be the god flowing through me

to know my perfection
to know im alreayd perfect to know im
already perfect to
to let it go completly
to let it
go it feels good tocome
to come reha

here and practice feeling good
feeling the feeling the magick of life
it fesl good
to come hre an

here and feel the magick of life to feel the
magick of life to allow the magick
of life to la

allow love to allow god to ccelebrate god
to know that i geto thcoose to know that life
is always unfolding perfectly