i’m here

feeling a ten thousand dollar day
im feeling good now i feel good now i feel good nw
i feel the celebration of the day
i feel god flowing through me i feel
the celebration of life flowig through me i feel the
yes of life i feel the es of life
i feel the yes of life if eel

the yes of life i feel that life is saying yes to me
i knw it already is how i want it to be

i love my clients i love finishing the job so eaily
i ove paying the rent i love that i get to i love my client work
i love my client i love

i love that its fun i love that i like it i love that im good at it i love
that im good at it i love that im good at it

i love having fun i love
going with the flow i love that trust the flow i love
that i get to feel good now get to
feel the flow now i love
that ig ett o feelt he flow now trust the flow now take care of my own house right now i love that
i get to i love that i get to take care of my own shit
i love that i get to i lovee that
i get to take care of my own shit

i love my won life i love the life
i designed i love kwoing i am the source of love
and that love follows me everywhere i go i get
to choose teh feeling and be
brave enough to e the source of it

to have a ten shous
thouts thousand ddollar day
and i know the feeling it
its the feeling of magick is that
that is right here iwth m

withi me always its the feeling of magic
that is always right here in the center of
that is the ccenter of me
i know tat the feeling of magick
is the cetner
of me and i get to feel it all day
i ge

get to feel it all day i get to take advantage of the magick
life ig et to feel gma

magick no matter what and i lovee that i get toi lovee that

feel the magick of life here and ow
i feel the maigkc o lfie here and now

i feel the magick of life here and now
i feel

the magikc of life here nad

and now

i am here and now
i am the here and now

i love that i dont need anything from anyone
that ia m the center of gods universe
and its all for me i love that its all for me
and i never have to do anything i dont want to do

i can always trust the feeling
trust the feeling of me i can always trust the feeling of me i can
always trsut the feeling of me the

the feeling of me the feeliing of me the
feeling of me the feeling of god within me
i can always trust the feeling of god within me
and tha’d

thats’ all ican do that’s all i can do is
feel the feeling here and now c

celebrate life here and now practice
constant gratitude here and now
feel so grateufl that i get to do my chorese!!

i love that im a money magnet
i love hatim

im a miracle magnet i love that
i get to have fun no matter what i love
that i now t

know the truth of life and can relax in the knowlege
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuoylys
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i love that i know the power of me i ilove that
i know im not going there today i love
that i get to enjoy my own haou

house and feel relaxed i love that i nkow that no matter what
i n

i never havet o do anything i dont wnat to do
i love that i now this i love that

that i get to choose teh feeling the god feeling
knowing god is flowing through me
feelig the getting out of the way feeling the

the feeling of trust the feeling of knwoing i love that
i get to feel the
feeling of knowing i love that

i get to feel the feeling of knwoing i love that
i get to choose the feeling of knwoing

so grateful to finish my work
so gratufl to feel good to feel the flow flowing
to get to do my work to
get to work on my house to fee

get to feel ho

the feeling of knowing no
matter what i am

where i am i can always feel the feeling of
connection with god
of being god no

matter where ia m

i know that i am god
todayi want to sit at home
today i want to nejoy my owwn house
today i want to

relax today i want to ese and low
today i want to do me
to feel stress free

today i feel stress free

today i trust the feeling today i feel good
todayi feel
the ease and flow of life

today i feel the ease and flow
of life todayi focus on me

on me today ihave i have my own life

today i gt to do me
no matter what today iget to do me
no mtter what

and i love that i feel secure in who i am
in the version i create
in the god self me

todayi feel confident in god aka me
and i trust whatever god aka me tells me is right

i know that no matter what i can always trust the feeling in the
moment and that’s all i everr havve to do
is feel