i’m here

so grateful to be here doing this work
getting to enjoy this day
getting to enjoy love getting to enjoy holiday cheer getting to enjoy

so grateful for this day for this feeling of magick
so grateful the magick always follows me
the magick is me the magick is the feeling the magick is the feeling
and i’m so grateful for it
so grateful

to celebrate this day
celebrate this day
celebrate this day this flow this flow

so grateful to celebrate this day
celebrate this day celebrate this feeling this me
this me this uniferse
univese that is me

grateful to be here doing whit
this work feeling this feeling this

feeling this god feeling run through me
so grateful to fee
to get to feel the excitement of me so grateful
to get to feel the magick of me
to get to

savior it
to get to savior the magick of me
to get to feel good now

so grateful i get to feel it now get to do
this work right now get to feel my proximity to god
knowing that all things fr

reflect my proximity to god
all things reflect my proximity to god
i know that feeling is the secret and feeling
changesl a

all things i know

so grateful i know i know that
it’s always been me it’s always been me i
was the sourceo f the feeling its always me
i am the source
its never outside of me i know i know that this

is life i know that this is the truth o lfie
of life because ive lived it i know the truth of life
becausee i ve lived it and im so

grateful ig et to ccelebrate tit it today
i get ot hv

to have tun today i get to have tu
fun today i get to have today i get to have fun right now
i get to enjoy ifr
life right now i get to utne myself right now

i get to tune myself right now i get to feel the feeling right now

so gratful for this day to feel the feeling to fel
the feeling of me to feel the feeling of energy of

god’s energy flowing through me
of ideas of inspiritation
so good
of good musica of celebrateion

so grateufl to celebrate today to love
today to love this day to feel good today
to get to feel good to get to feel good

to get to feel good

so grateful for this day
for the experience of me for the feeling of me
for the feelig of proximity to god so

grateful that i know i am god and that my source
and my supply is my proximity to god

my consciousness of the presnce of god within me
is my supply

i knowt his is the truth and its what
all the teachers
teach i knokw that life is meant to be easy for me
and im so gratefl it is i love that
this is the best year of my life

i love that we’ll never be poor again
i love that i can feel it i love that i can feel i am successfuly
and tha’ts ok i can allow it i ta

i can accept it i deserve it

i get to feel the feeling now i get to feel the
presence of god here and nkow

now knowing that i am the source
i always was

it was never anything else
i am always the source it was always me
i can have a love affair with me

becausaee i created it i lovee the
feeling i love the feeling of knowing i love that
i get
to ccreate good work every day i love that
i know my

feeling is my good work my p
important work how i feel is important work

im here for tunint the tunint th

the tuning im here for the tuing of
for the im here for the tuning

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me

is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my suppy

i know this i know this i know this
the feelng of knowing that god is already on it
is my supply
that the particles are arranging
is my supply

i lve that i know it i love that i know its real
i love that i know because ive experienced it i love that
i get to live a magick life i love that life is

magick ofr

for me i lovee that life is magick for me
i love tha it always has been and i cget to
celebrate it

get to send love i love that i
get to send love get to be love get to allow love to flow

i get to feel the feeling and then life reflects that
i get to choose to feel good about myself

no matter what i get to feel good about myself no matter what
i love that i get to hcoose to feel good to have fun
to feel energzed to allw god

allow gods energy vo

to flow through m;e i love tha tlife
is good

i know the energy of me i know my source
and my supply and i

live by it i love that i get ot live by
it i get to feel the feeling of it i get to

feel the feeling of it get

i get to feel the feeling of i t i

i get to feel good i get ot
feel good where i am right now i love that
i love wher i am right now i love

that i lov wh

wher ei am right now

i get to fee the feeling of it
get to feel the feeling and know that god

has to match it the energy of life
has to matchc it

so grateufl i know its true
and i get to celebrate the day
get to feel love

get to feel grateful for the life
i created for me the life that is me

the me i created so
grateful and proud of the me ive created
and that i never have to care

i have the courage to do me
to be happy!!

and to be disliked so grateful for this day
to get to feel good to get to feel the magick of me
to know it always comes back around