i’m here!

i love starting the day off right i love that
pony made a huge specimen i love

waking up to good news i love
waking up happy i love that pony is on the mend i love that
shes’ alive!!

every day is a gift i lov that i know that
every day is a gift i love that i
get to choose how i feel

so gratefulfor orders!

passive orders!
wholesale orders!!

we get to redesign the cover with an extra ink
that everything is working out for us

so grateful to be here doing this work
enjoying the feeling of a good day
so grateful to get to enjoy this day
today so grateful for this day
just this day just this moment is all i need so grateful

for this moment for this success for this feeling of success

so grateful to feel a lst for life
so grateful to wake up feeling good to have things that i WANT

to do so grateful i want to live so grateful i get to live this day
and that pony is better!!

so grateful for thsimom

this moemtn for this here and now

so grateful for this momet
to get to feel good to get to feelthe flow
ofl ife t

today i get to celebrate life today i get to celebrate life

and i’m celebrating!!!

so much is going well for me
so much is working
out for me!!!

all of life is in my favor and i’m so grateful
so grateful i get to enjoy i get to
enjoy this day i get to celebrate this day

i’m here i’m here i’m here

so grateful for this
day that life is good for me
so grateful to get to have a normal day

to get to celebrate this day and not have to
worry so grateful to get to embrace this day

so grateful for money burning a hole!

so grateful there’s more than enough
to know that we will never be poor again
so grateful i know i trust the unfolding of life it rust

it rust

i trust the ins and outs i
feel good now if eel the flow now i feel good
now i feel the love of life right now i feel

empowered right now

i love getting payments from every angle
i love the better it gets and that
i get to eleb

celebrate it right now
i love that

the better it gets i lovee that i get to
celebrate this day
this perfect day !!

so grateful to be here to be here now
to be here now to be here now to be

here now to be here now
to be here now to be here now to be here now

i ilove to be here doing this work
and what is this work its the feeling work
its the consciousness work

its presence
its the devotion to presence

that’s all it is
its quite simple actually

i know the truth to i know the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance is eternally operating
in my life

i have found the secret to life and cna

can erlax

relax in the knowledget hat t
that the activity of divine abundance
is eteranlly operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the readi

radiation of creative energy which is continuoulsy
easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine conscciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i am now in the flow

i know the secret to life
and its this moment its feeling the feeling
this moment and i’m

brave enough to do it
i have the courage to be happy

i have the courage to live a fulfilled life
to know the truth in every omemtn a
nd let go of ther est and i know that

is the secret to life

i know the truth of life and i have the courage
to use it to use my powers i have the courage to
use what i know use the knowledge

and renounce my humanhood

to focuso n the god realm to focus on the god energy to
remember it to be devoted to it and i know thsi
is the truth of life
i know this is the

the truth i know ths is the truth of life
i knkow it i know it i know it

the courage to feel good
the courage toen

to enjoy life i ahve the courage
to focus to focus on this moment to focus on what i know

all day to have the courage to celebrate life
to celebrate the god self to celebrate the life
experience toc

celebrate having so much to celebrate

today i get to dao

today i get to feel good i get to feelt he devotion
i get to devote myself to feeling good

devote myself to the moment
to the feeling i get to
devote myself to the feeling

feeling the energy of life flow through me acceptin g
all that comes my way and always turning back to the feeling

renounce my humanhood
renounce my humanhood

i know the feeling and i can always
return to it and that’s the real

work the real

ambition the real

thing to seek
there’s really nothing else

i know this i know the feeling and i know that the
feeling is

all there is

the feeling and i can always return
i can always return to the ccenter of the feeling ath’s

that’s the only pursuit the feeling of knwoing
is the only pursuit

and i know this and i celebrate it becuse i know
i know life i know the secret to life and i get to live it
and the more i
conjure the feeling inside me
the more evidence of it i see i know that all of life
is a feeling an expectation and i get to ccele

celebrate that
get to work with that i know that its all
