i’m here doing the work and it feels so good

it feels good to feel good to do the ow
work to be on the mend to allow well being to allow well being
to choose what i’m looking for to choose what i lexpe

expect to see and i love that i get to i love that
it’s that easy i love that its’ easy to change the version i see the version i experienc ei love that
it’s just that easy i

and i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose i love that
i get to choose what i look for i get to choose what i
expect i get to choose to feel good to feel the flow
the flow flowing the flow
flowing i get to choose to feel good i get to choose to feel good

i get to have a good day i get to enjoy life i get to
enjoy living i get to enjoy living i get to be grateful i’m alie
i get to feel the flow i get to be the flow i get to
feel the flow i get to

be the flow i get to be the flow i get to
be the flow i get to
be the flow i get to

be the flow i am the flow iam the flow

i know that i am awareness and that is all ther eis
i love that i know this

i am here doing the work the focus work remembering who ia m work
and i love that i get to i love that
i get to

do the work get to feel good get to feel good
get to feel good
get to feel good get to feel good

get to feel the flow
here and now here and now
i get to feel the flow here and now i get to be it

i’m focused
on allowing i’m focused on allowing i’m focused

on well being on the verseion

version i prefer i get to choose it
and it’s that easy i love that i never have to wonder
i love that life i soog

is good for me i love that i get to choose it i love that
i get to choose it

i’m allowing well being i’m allowing the best of life
i’m allowing life i’m

sinking into awreeness

the only real experience
i am aware and that is all there is i know
nothing outside of

is me
i know that awareenss
is always already there i love that
i get o chosoe

i lovet hat i get to choose the frequency i align with
i get to choose i gc

get to choose my source and supply knowing
that everything stems from awreness

i know this and i get to choose it
so grateful i get to choose it
i get to choose life

i get to choose wll

well being i get to choose
how much fun i’m having

i’m so grateful for the tli

life i get to live that i know how to tuen myself

so grateful for the feeling of tuning for the feeling of focus
so grateful for the feeling of fcous
so grea

grateful i get to focus
so grateful to remember who

i get to feel it i get to be it i get to feel it i get to be it i love that
i get to i love that i get to feel the feeling of the focus
get to be a

the focus get to be awre

can always slip right back into infinite awareness
and i love that i get to i love that i
get to feel good i get to feel good i get to feel the
flow the flow flowing i get to feel the flow

flowing i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose
hwo if eei

i get to choose how if eel i get to choose

how i feel i get to feel good ig et to feel good
i get to feel good i get to feel good i get to feel good

i get to feel good

i am god i am god and i know this i celebrate this
i celebrate life knwoing that

the celebration i get tout
put it in is what i get out what i put in is what i get out

what i give life is what i get and i love that
i know this that i get to celebrate today that
i get to love the day
today i will love the day

today i will expect the best
today iw ill say

thankyou for well being
today i say thankyou for well being
i love that
i get to i love that i get to live
and get to live this life i love

ig et to feel how iw atn to feel




think about is how i feel how m

i love that ig et to life

llive this life i love that
i get to feel good living life
feeling good i love that
i get to i love that i

that i get to that i get to feel the feeling
of being god and knowing that

i am the creator i love remembering that i am
the creator i love trmeember
ing that iam the creator
and getting to celebrate life

i love the
feeling of celebrating life !