it feels good to do the work

it feels good to focus on the only work
that matters and feel the energy of the now
it feels good to remember that i am
god and that everything already it
feels good to relax and allow life to flow
through me it feels good to relax and allow
life to flow through me it feels good to
stand up to my thoughts and raise my vibration

i love that i know all my wishes are coming
true i love making the choice to love myself and
love this right now and trust this right now i love
making the choice to live life for me
and knowing that i can always make that choice
i love coming here to do the only work that matters

i love when i know this is the
only work that matters i love doing me i love
doing what i need to do i love

raising my vibration and i love
that i know no one
can tell me not to

i don’t have to care and i love
that i get to do me no matter what i love that

i love making the choice to do me i love
waking up i love waking up to who i really am i love
taking control of my vibration and i love
that i get to allow myself to raise my vibration

i love making the choice to do me i love
living my life for me i love that i get to live my life
for me and i’m not going to
keep my vibration low

because i’m caring about what
someone else wants or wants me to do

and i love doing me i love that i know
i love that i know the power of making the choice
to choose my vortex i love that
i get to choose
my vortex no matter what i love

breaking free i love making the
choice to do me to love me i love
that i get to

make the choice to do me

i love that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose i love that i get to choose
i love tha

doing this work and knowing that this
is the only work i need i love doing me i love
standing up for me i love
standing up to me thoughts
and i love doing me i love

making the choice to do me
i ‘m going to


my own vortex no matter what
and i love the feeling of knowing that
i love the feeling
of knowing the power of me i

the power of alignment i love the
power of knowing

i love the power of alignment
i love choosing it i love

choosing me i love choosing to love
me and knowing i

i don’t need

anyting from
anyone elese i love

i love this doig

this work and practicing the feeling of
loving me i love that i ge tto love
to love me in this here and now
i love

making th cho
the choice to raise my vibration i love

choosing how ti of

to feel i love

making the choice to feel good
and knowing that

is my only work i love
feeling the best ever i love

feeling relieved i love
taht i know

that i know i don’t havet o care
to care i love
that i

get to

to feel good about his i love
i love that i
get to love me

i love the power of the focus i love
that i get to feel good i love that i
get to say thank you for this
here and now i love
that i get to choose to

enjoy this here and now i love that i
get to choose to love i get to choose to love
to send the signal of love i love
that i get to send the signal of love i love
that i get to love
me in this here and now i love

where i am in thsi


here and now i love the power
of this here and now i love
this power

the power of this here and now i love
where i am


right n

i love doing this work i love
feeling good about mysef

i am allowed to feel good
right now i love taking the big leap into the
the work
the love of life and self

the love of life and self
i love taking the big leap into
love i love that i ge tto make
to make the chocie
to feel good now i love that i
get to feel

i lovethat i
get to make the choice to raise my vibration
i love

coming out
coming forward as myself
i love realizing i love

then making eh

the choice

i love that i get to do me i love
that i ge tto love
to love the here and now i love
that i get to make the choice
i love that i ge tto make
to make the choice

to do the owrk and the
work is in this here and now i love
that i get to choose
to love myself inthis
here and now

and it’s that


it’s always easy to come
back to center it’s always easy to feel
good i’s

it’s always easy to feel good
tis’ easy

it’s easy to feel good and ndo
me and do me to feel the power of
me flowing through me

it feels good to feel the

power of me

flowing through me it feels good
to relax and enjoy

this here and now it feels good to
relax and enjoy it feels good

i love that i get to choose to love
me i love making the choicd t

to love me to take the big leap in
this here and now and love me

love this here and now

love this

here and now i love this
here and now
i love where i am right
