it feels good to feel good

to make the choice to
believe in myself to make the
choice to believe in
the version i prefer i know
the power of the focus and i know that
when i focus god flows

through me i love
that life already worked out for me i love
that life already worked out for me
i love that it already is the way
i want it to b i love
feeling gooda bout

about life and knowing the
the feeling is always there
right here with me i know i don’t

have to wonder i love that i don’t have to wonder
i love that i don’t have to wonder
i love that i don’t have to wonder i love
that i get to lean into the flow i love
that it always comes i love
that all my wishes are always coming true
i love the power of the flow i love
believing in myself i love
the power

of tuning myself to the vibration of me
i love the power of
tuning to the vibration of me

i love the power of the focus i love
that i know i am god and i can
allow myself to use my god powers any time i love
that t

i know iam god

i love that i know i am
not in control i know god
is in control and that is
why i can

surrender completely and
allow god to do the work i love
that i can allow god to take
care of everything in my life i love
that i can allow the flow to do
everything i ove
that everything is working out
for me i love
that everything is working out for me i love
that it i can believe it

it can be i believe it
then i see it beleive it
then i see it a nd i know that
is all there is to it

a feeling i

a signal

i love that everything always comes to
me i love that
everything comes to me when it is
supposed to i love that
i can celebrate i love tha i

that i don’t have to care i love
that i

i love that i ove tat
i love that i get to allow the feleing
to flow through me i love
feeling practiced i love
that power of the focus i love
that i am focused on center andthat’s
all i can do i love
that i know

i’m not nervous

i’m knowing i’m not nervous

i’m knowing

i’m knowing

i’m knowing i know live
is going my way i know i am
life i am life and i am
celebrating that fact
i love celebrating life i love
that life is going my way
and i feel good i love
feeling the best i’ve ever felt i love
that iknow

life follows the feleing
i love feeling

brave enough

in this right now
to look for what i want to see i love
the ower o

the power of looking for what i want to see i love
that i know i am the crator i

know i am the creator and what i look
for i see i know that life is easy i know that

everthing is going the way it is

i get to decide i get to deiced

that everything is working otu i love
that i know i love how far we’ve come i love how
far we’ve come i love that
i get to mae the choice
how i feel about my life

i get

i love that i get to feel good
now i loe that i get to fel the

feeling i want to feel i love
that i get

get to feel waves of reliefe
i love that i get to feel waves of relief

i feel good inthis here and now and that
is all that maters i love
that i getot o d

to do the work myself i love that i

get to do the work
myself i love
feel the feeling inthis right now
this here ansd now i l

i know that it’s eay to
let go of


to surrneder
surrender everything to god
and i know the more
i surrender to god
the mor eit

it can do i know the more
i surrender to the magick
the more magick i see ilove

feel prosperous i love
that life is working out for
em i love tha tlife
is work

working out for me i ove
tha tlife

that life is good i love
that i get to make the choice i love
that i get to lean into the flow
i love that i get to lean inot th
the flow i love
that i

that i’ve let that go i

i’m not nervouse
i’m knowing

i love that i get to choose how
if eel i love that it
already is the way i want it to e i love
that life is good i love

everything is working out


thank you god for everything

i feel good i feel the
best ive ever felt because i am focused on the
flow and i know the only thing i can
ever do is come back to benter

to center and focus on what i know i lov
i love that i know its just for fun
i love that i know it just doesn’t matter
i love that i know it

just doesn’t matter i love that
i know it just dosn’t matter

i love that all of our wishes
are coming true i love
that all of our wishes are coming
true i love

allowing it to

unfold i love
celebrating that it is i love
that i get to make the choicet o love

i love that i get to love!!

i love making the time to do the work
i love that the flow is flowing through me

i love that i’m happy in this here andn ow!!