it feels good to allow the
life to flow through to focus
on remembering who ia m
what i am
i know that i am the energy
that creates worlds
i love that i can always come
here and remember who i am
i can always come
here and remember who i am
i can
always come here and remember who ia m
come here to remember who i am
to tune up to tune up
on the feeling that i know that
is the essence of life
to rise about
to lift up my mind
and heart to be aware to understand
and to knw t
that the divine presence
i am
is the source and substance
of all my good
i am totally fulfilled
i am totally fulfilled
i am tapped into the truth of life
in to the love of life i am tapped in to the love
of life ia m
am tapped into the love of life
i am tapped into the love
of life the focus of life
i tfe
i feel my heart singing my love singing
my life singing i feel my life singing through me i feel
my life singing through me
it feels good to move the energy of
up to be aware of the energy
to do the work the energy work to
be focused in the energy work
to be trained i the
the energy work
to practice the energy work
and be attuend to the enegy
energy work it feels good
to allow it more every day to know
that eery every day i am allowing myself
to live more and more byt eht the t
truth of life the truth
of life it feels good to move the energy
up it feels good to move the energy up
thank for this day this
here and now this here
and now this here and now this
here and now
it feels toog
good to release good to release it feels
feels good to release
it feels good to let go to
let go it feels good
to let go to live
to just live to live
int he
the here and now it feels
good to just live in the here adn
and now it feels good
to detach from
everything else and
attach to
ever lasting now
to let everything else go a
nd know that
its all just a version of me
just a version of em
just a pattern playing out
just a vibration i havent let go
it feels good to know
to know that everythign
is vibration
it feels good to know that everything
is vibration
why do i want aht
that so bad
the feeling of connection
i want hta
that feeling that feeling of love
and union
and that comes from within
that feeling is within
that feeling is alawys
always within
and it feels godo to
to access it to know its
to know i am the source
of the feeling to say thank yout oknow
to know
to say thakn you
thank you to say thank you
to tu
to focus it feels good to focus
it feels good to focus
it feels good to milk the feeling to say yes
to life to come here to
because it feels good
allow myself to feel good allow myself
to fly high im allowing myself to flow
fly hight
to massage my expectation
to expect the best it feels goo
to come into aling ment it feels good to re
releae resisance
to remembe woh o to remember
who i am it feels good to let ig al to
all go al
let it all god
god god
it feels good let it all god
surrender all of it
when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled
i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and can
relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine
abundance is eternally operating in my life
it feels good to milk the feeling
to relax into the moment it feels good to relax into
the moment it feels good to relax into the
moment to milk
the her and now to remove the layers
of resistance
and remember who i am
i really am
it feels good
to remove the
to release the layers of resistance
remember to love to feel
the signal of love to send the signal of
love to allow the signal
of love to flow through me
to allow the signal of love th
to flow through
thank you thank you thank
i am now aware i am now
in the flow
i am focused in the flow i am
i allow the flow to carrym
i feel the true self
i feel the god self the creator self
feel the cereat
creator self i feel the
self i feel the
creator self i feel the crator
creator se
self i feel the creator self i f
feel the creator self
i feel the
creator self
i know who i am i know
what i am i know i am the creator
i know i get to choose i know
i never
have to wonder
or owrry
or worry
i never have to wnder
wonder or worry
i never havet o
to wonder or worry
i ne
i just stay focused on what i knwo
to be true i know this i know this
i know that life reflects the energy i know
that everythign
reflects the energy i choose the
energy i choose the energy i put itno
into it!
and what comes back!!