it feels good to gather momentum

it feels good for all my wishes to
come to true to say thank you to feel
genuinely grateful

i love that i knkow
everything is going my way because that is
the way it is meant to be
i know life


is a printout
of my beliefs

i loe that
everything is going my way i love
that every where i look i see magic
i love that i expect the
best i love

that i am tuned to the vibration
of magick and everywhere i look
i see magick i love that i get to

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i get to do me i love
that i get to feel grateful i love that i
get to make the choice to

feel pure and true

i love that all my wishes are cming
true i love
the feeling i love

i am focused in this here and
now and i know that everywhere i look
i see the magick

i know everywhere i look i
see the magick and i know its up
to me to feel the feeling
of magick within me i love that i know
i love that i get

to look with love i love
that i get to celebrate this day i love
that i get to feelt he
feeling i love that i get to celebrate life i love
that i get to

allow i love that i get to el

celebate t
celebrate the feeling iknow i know life
reflects the feeling o

so i never havet o wonder

i am focused
in the here and now
and that’s all that matters
i love that i can let
the rest go

with confidence

i love that i can feel focused
in this right now i love that i am
brave neou

enough to celebrate and
say thank you i am
brave neoug

enough to create the version i
want to see i am
brave enough to create

the version i want to see i am
brave enough to focus on the version
i prefer am

enough to let it go i

let it go and make the choice
to love fully and wholy

i love that i

i fel th

feel the feelin right now
and i am cultivating that feeling
within myself i love

that i know the power of the
focus and looking for hte
the flow the magick i am

looking for the magicki loo

i look for the magick i look

for the magick and i see
it iknow that i know this
i know that

whatever signal
i send

is what i receive i know this
for a fact i love that
life is flowing through me

life is flowing through me

life is flowing

flowing through me through me thorugh

through me through me through me

i love that i get to celebrate life
right now l

i love that lfe i s

life is good i love
feeling the feeling of god
within me i love that
i get to choose the feeling
now i ove that

i love that i can allow it
i love

i feel good rightnow
because i am looking for what
i want to se i a

i am making the choice to
lift up my mind and heart

to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence
i am

is the source and subtance
of all my good

i lift up my mind and heart
to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence

is the source and substance of
all my good i love that i get to make
the choice i love that i get to make

the choice to love i love that i know i
don’t need anything i ove that i get to choose
where i

i don’t care

i don’t care
i don’t care

i love doing the work and
not caring i love
that its up to me to to me to me

i ove that its
up to me to decide i ove
that i know its

my choice and it will never
not be my creation

its u to me

to me to look for the
version i prefer i love
looking for what i want to see
i love how far i’ve come
i love how

far i’ve come
i love that the rent is paid
i love that eh

the taxes are paid i love
that we live int he ni

the nicest house possible
i love eveything

everything ive created i love
that i made all this i love celebrating life

i love that life s good
is good i love that i am loved i love
that i am brave enough to send the

signal i love that
the contrast helps me focus i
love that i can do it i love
that i love i love

i love that i get to create the
versoin i prefer
i love that i

i get to decide i love
that i get to decice i love
that life is working out for me

i love that
i get to feel the feeling i love
that i know everything is going my
way i love that i
get to choose the feeling i love

that i am brave enough to
choose how i want to feel i love
that i am brave enough

to look for what i want to see
i love that i am brave neough

enough to be aware the everything
is an indicator

i love that i get oth
to choose and i never have
to wonder


i never have to wonder
what’s going to happen because everything
is working out i love
that i get to get out of the way
i love that i know my own power

i love that i get to chosoe to
believe int he best i get to believe in the