it feels good to have a good day

to feel the flow flowing through me
to feel the magick of life flowing through me
it feels good to feel good in this here and now

in this here and now it feels good to
feel to feel good in this here and now
it feels good to feel good in this here and now
to love me in this here and now to feel


it feels good to feel good
to embrace the day to love the day to allow the
day to flow

to allow the day to flow through you to
allow the day to flow through you to allow the day
to flow through you

it feels good to know that life
is flowing through me
to allow life to flow thoruhg

throug me to say yes to life
to celebraet life right now
to love life right now

it feels good to feel good in this here and now
it feels good to focus on feeling good to feel
good now it feels good to feel good now it feels oo

good to feel good now to feel good now
to feel good now to feel good now
it feels good to feel good now to feel to

feel good now to feel good
to raise my vibration to know that life only reflects me
it feels good to get into the feeling place

to know that i am the source to make the choice
to feel good now to feel good now

thank you for this here and now
thank you for this here and now
it feels good to feel good
to love this herea dn
and now it feels good to feel good
to feel good

to do this work the only work that matters
and get into the feeling place of what i want it
feels good to feel good to feel good
to feel good

it feels good to say yes
to love my life to know that all i can ever do
is feel good and the rest flows on its own

my only responsibilty
to is
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant
all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

i feel good now i feel the focus
i feel the focus on the magick
and that is all there is i love
feeling relaxed into my life i love that
i know

i know life is taking care of me
i love that i know life is taking care of me i liove
the i lov the
i love the better it gets i love
the better it gets i love
the power of me i love

feeling of me i love the feeling of me
i love the feeling of me i love

where i am right now
i love that life

is takinga care

care ofme i love that
there is always more than enough i love
feeling good now i love
feeling good now i love
feeling good now i love

being a match i love
that i know the secret to life

i lvoe that i get to feel good!!

i love tuning myself to the vibration of me i love
that i know
that the divine consciousness
i am
is forever expressing its true
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

i am totally confidnet
in letting go and letting god
appear as the abundant
all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel great i love that i am sending the
signal of love
and that is what i recieve
i send the siganl of love
and that is waht i receive
i love that i get to send the

signal of love
i love that i get to love who i am
right nwo

where i am right now i love that

life loves me

i love tuning myself i love
feeling elevated i love
feeling elevated i love
feeling the flow flow through me i love
that i know life
is good i love
that i get to feel good now i love

that i know the truth

that outside factors are not my supply
that my supply is within and the more i am
aware of my supply

is mky suply
my awareness that the supply
is within

is my supply i ilove
aligning with my best self
with my god self
i love

looking for what i want to see
creating the version i want i love that
life is fun and it can only
ever reflect
me i love that life is fun
and it can only
ever reflect me

i lovethat i get to feel good now
i love that there is so much to love
i love that there is so much

to love i lov th

i love that there is so much o lo

i love tuning into the magick of life
i love saying thank you to everything and feeling the feeling of thank you

i love tuning myself to
the vibration of me

i love feeling good now i love
feeling goodnow

i love feeling elevated i love that
i never have to wonder i love that i
get to cchoose i love that
life is good i love that there is

always more than enough!!

i love the power of me!

i love that life is good!
i love that life is good i love

that she approved the paint swashes!

i love all my clients for life
i love that i am good at my job i love tha ti am
good at life i love that
i know i cn

can always allow god to do it
i love that i know life is a feeling i love
that i know

life is always

coming to me