it feels good to iterate

it feels good to wake up and join the day
to expect the best from the day to know for
sure that every day is the best it feels good
tos ay tha
to say thank you to this here and now

thankyou thankyou for this moment

today i feel good today
i celebrate this day today i feel good today
i am in the vortex today i know the
magick of life i love that i feel the magick
of life i love the
better it gets i love that

every day gets a little better i love
feeling the healing energy fowing
flowing thorugh mth

through me i love the energy of life flowing through me i love

today i feel good

i love waking up feelnig good i loo
feeling good i love leaning in to the day
i feel good when i lean intot he day i love
the better it gets i love that i am allowing
healing that i can make th choice
the choice to

to feel the flow to lean intot he to the flow
to pracitce

practice feelingg ood to practice
feeling healed to practice feeling at ease
it feels good to feel good to
feel good to do it fore m

for me to do the work to get in the vortex and then
it feels good to start
the day off right

i love that i can always lift up
my mind and heart i love that the magick
is in the here and now i love that i know
i am willing to

to do the work

the magick work ia m
am willing to do the work to feel
good to feel the magick of life i am willing to do the work
to feel the magick of life i ove
i love tha ti can always feel the magick of life
i love that i can always feel
the magick o flif ei love doing the work
and feeling connected to life i love that
i ge tto fee

to feel good i love always feeling like
my best self i love that i can allow the feelings
i want to feel to flow i love that
i know i always

have access to the feelings i want

i love that i get to love this
day i am allowed to love this day
i am allowed to allow

my best self to flow i love the better
it gets andi know that
i know that all it takes is
to the mantra

devotion to the now
and i know that inever
never have
to care about

anything else besides thenow
i love the magikc of the now i love

doing the work to feel good in the
now i lov the
the better it gets i love
that i’ve let that go i love that i
can feel the other side of thew ave
the wave

i know that life is flowing
perfectly and that life is going to happen
without my input i know the magick of life
i know it’s no t

up to me to make anything happen
but rather to watch it to notice it
to know that nothign
reall matters
and nothing has to change
for me to be happy

i love that i already am happy in this
here and now i love that i nkow
i already am happy in thsi

and now i love the better it gets i love
that i’m allowed to enjoy this day
to lean into thsi

this day

thank for this day thank yo
for all my dreams coming true it feels good to lean into
the flow into the right now to know
that god is in every moment

i know that i am god and the
evidence of that is in every moment
i love doing this work
because it helps me focus onw heo

who i am i love starting the day
off right now i love

i feel good i feel good i feel good i
feel good i love feeling the best i’ve ever felt
i love that i feel the
best i’ve ever felt

i love that we have regular, recurring income!!!

that is what i asked for and i got it!!

and it came to me and i never
had to MAKE anything happen

an di know t
i know that is the essence of life i know that
this is the essence of life
the magick of

of life i love that i know the magick o flife
i love that i know the mgag

magick of life i love that
i can always use the magick i love that i never
never have to feel bad andthis

this work heps me remeber that

i love the better it gts i love

i love that i am
open to allowing my best self in this here and now
i love doing the work i love that the work
alwas w

always works


today i am doing the work



i love feeling the best i’ve
ever felt i love that there is

are dso man
so many reasons to feel good
and i can feel that my vibratoin
is wrapped around

that i don’t even know what they

but i feel myself feeling more calm in my life
i feel myself feeling more calm in my life
i love that there are so many

reasons to feel good i love
doing the work and

and toa

today i feel good today i feel at ease
today i am allowing that

un needed fear

to lift from my life
today i don’t need to control

today i am allowing today
i am not afriad

afraid because i know

life is in charge and i trust
that i don’t have to make anything
happen the only thing i can

do is focus on how i feel and let go

all i can do is elevate my mind and
heart and return to the here and now i know that

all i can do is return to the here and now to make the choice
to do the work to return to the here and now

and that’s all i can do