it feels good to make time to do the work

to allow the work to flow through
me to know that the work is all there is it feels good
to remember the work is all there is

it feels good to celebrate life in this
right now and feel the feeling of letting that
go of letting go of the
evidence of old vibrations and allowing myself
to practice new ones

to be brave enough to take on new vibrations to be
brave enough to enjoy life to look for reaons to
enjoy life to be brave enough to feel good

it feels good to be brave enough to feel good
it feels good to allow the feeling to flow through me
to know that the feeling is always there

and inspiration

always strikes

it feels good to trust the
flow of life it feels good

to look

toward the flow

it feels good to celebrate life
today i am cele

so gratful

grateful he gets to go hoem!!!

so grateful to celebrate life
to learn how to love me i can
learn to love me too

i could stand
to learn how to love me


approve of myself

it feels good to do the work to feel
inspiried it feels good to feel the feeling
of believing i lifeit feels good to
want to do the work to wnat to feel
good in my body to want to feel

good in my life it feels good
it feels good to trust the process of life
and to trust the infinite well being that
is always flowing through me

to trust the flow and let go
resign myself to the flow it feels good
to practice in the vortex and remembver ho

who i truly am it feels good to
feel good it feels good to feel good to not
let anything get me down and to mek t

amke t

make the choice to love life in this
right now it feels good to feel the
flow and trust the process of life i a

i trust the process of life

thank you thank you thank you thank you

thanks god for everything thanks for
this aweomse
awesome life

thank you for this
awesome life

i this here and now i am
celebrating life i am leaning intot he
feeling of life i am
leaning into the flow
of life i am

i lean into the flow of life
i lean into the flow
of lifei lean into the
flow feel the flow of life
flowing through me feel the certainty of life
feel the feeling of letting go

it feels good to feel the feeling of letting
go practice the feeling of relief and the more
i allow myself to feel it

the better i feel the
better i feel the more i allow myself to
feel it the better i feel

i love doing the work
and trusting the flow i love
doing the work and trusting the flow i love
that i get to feel the flow i love
that i get to feel the flow i love
that i get to feel the flow i love
that i get to feel
the flow i love

that i get to feel the flow of god flowing
through me i love that i can let the rest go
i love that i know life is just
a feeling andthat his
work is all that works and that letting
go and celebrating life in this
right now

is all that matters

i love doing the work ilove
that the work helps me practice i love that
the work helps me feel good i love
that the work always works i love that the work always works

i love that the flow
always flows ilove

i know that i am
allowed to love who i am
i am allowed to love this
life no matter what i am
allowed to feel the
feeling the feeling i am allowed to
let go and i know that

it always works i know that the
flow always works and ic an
go inthis here and now i love that
i can choose to feel the
feeling of relief in this
here and now i love

that i get to feel good in this
here and now i love that i can
love myself i love that th

the work always works i love
that i get to feel good now i love that
i get to

love myself

how to love me??

what does it mean?

how do i love myself???

i love the better it gets i love
that i get to choose to feel
good now i love that i get to
lean into the flow

how to love me

what does it mean how to love

how can i be enough how i can
i love myself how i am

how can i love my life as it is

how can i truly love myself send myself the
feeling i want to feel

love myself the way i want to feel
loved by life feel the feeling of how
much life loves me and turn that feeling
to myself
feel it for myself

because life feels it for me
and it’s all in the work it’s all in the work
the willingness to take the the leap

to feel good about myself about my life
and i am lookig for
evidence of improvement
i am allowing myself

to live i am allowing myself to live

to celebrate life to celebrate life in this
right now
celebrate life exactly how it is and i know

it’s only ever the
feeling it’s oly ever

the feeling and the

weather beig like
this helps me do the work

and i know that it

can only
ever reflect me i love
tha ti get to

celebrate life

i get to celebrate life

i love feeling good about life
i love taking the big leap and allowing myself
to celebrate life i love
feeling the feeling of the other side of the wave

i love that i can always practice it i love that
i know it’s always there i love that i
get to fel good

feel goo about

good about me i love tha ti fee

about me!!!

i love that i feel good about me!!!

i love that feel the flow of me i love
that i feel good about me i love that
i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel the flow i liove that i get to

feel good now i love that i get to let go
of eerything i love that i’ve let that
go i love that

we all

get to live

because i’ve let that go i love
that i get to make the choice to celebrate life in this
rgiht now i love that i’ve let that


years of vibration
stagnant vibration gone i love doing the work
i love that the work
always works i love that the work s

always works i love
feeling tuned in tapped in turned on i love feeling the flow

i love feeling the flow of me i love
feeling good i love feeling the flow of

me i love feeling the flow of me i love

i love trusting the flow i love that
i get to amek th

make the choice to
feel good about my life i love that i
get to make the choice
to feel good about my life
i love that i
get to feel good now i love that i get to feel
the feeling now i love

that i get to feel good now i love
the better it gets i love remembering
to look for signs of improvement i love


i love that i want to life i love
i love that iw ant to live
i love that i am feeling good about life i love

making the space

to do the work
to feel good and remembering that htis
this is all there is i can
do it and i believe in the pwoer of

of well being and i am trusting the flow
trusting the flow of well being in this
right now i feel
liek i

i deserve to live and that life
loves me i feel good now i feel the
feeling in this here and now i feel good now i feel
the feeling ow i feel the

feeling of god flowing through me
i love that i’ve let that go i love that i’ve
let go of worrying of wondering and now

i am into choosing

now i am addicted to

making the choice
for the version i prefer

now i am into making the choice
for the version i prefer

i am here now doing the work
i am here now

i love it here i love that
everything workd out and an d

i am

allowed to celebrate that!!!

i can just say thank you
and enjoy this moment this here and now
and know that life is always flowing
through me life is always loving me
the most it can

which is infinite
amounds i love

that i

get to say yes to life
that i get to say yes to life that
i get to say thank you for this
life experience that i


can turn the boat can change the
energy within and it fels g

feels good to do this work so i do this
work and let the rest come i’ll just keep up with this
the only work that matters
and allow the rest to flow to me
as it alwyas

always does i love that i know
it’s only ever the feeling i love
that i get to feel good about life
in this right now i love

the easier it gets to
feel good about life
in this right now i am
grateful for life in this right now

thank you for life
thank you for life
thank you for life
thank you for life