it’s a good day

i love this amazingly awesome day
i love feelingg ood i love

i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel the energy flowing through me i love feeling good

i love waking up feeling good i love gtd
i love working on the school
i love orders i love that our business is thriving!!

i love that we made it
we literally made it i love tha t

that life is good i love that
life is good

i love loving i love
being kind i love feeling good i love that
it always comes to me i love

that it always comes me to me i love thatl ife
is life is good and life loves me

i love that iknow first you feel it then you see it i love that
i get to feel good now i love

that i get to love my life now i love
that i love every day i love that

every day is a good day i love
the better it ges i love
i love

wanting to get up i love doing the owrk
the real work the only work
i love doing the only work

that matters i love feeling ght e
the flow flow through me i love
feeling good in my life i love

feeling good in my lfe i love
i love

feeling good in my life

i love feeling myself i love
feeling motivated
i love channeling my best self i love
doing this work

i love insights i love listening to abe
and remembering the truth
i love

listening to abe
and remembering the truth
i love that i know the truth of who i am

and i’m not afraid of that i love
that i know it’s only me and it
only ever reflects me

i love that i nkkow that
perception can change in an instant

and so does life
life changes in every instant
it’s jut that

we keep making the same thing
over and mover

but we are still making it i love that i
get to choose to feel good i love that
i know life love sme i love

i love that i get to love i lov that i g
et to f

get to feel the magick of love

flowing through me

i lovee he power
the power of the focus
the focus

first you feel it then you see it i

first you feel it then you see it
first you feel it

then you see it i love that i get to feel
good now that i get to feel the

feeling of feeling love
of sending love i can choose that feeling right

right now and asy thank
and say thank you i cna cho

can choose the feeling i want right now
and resonate with it

i love that our friends want to see us!

and want to make plans i love that we get to go to texas and
its not that far away
i love that

life loves me i love that life
loves me i love that i get to feel good that

i get to feel the flow i love

that i get to feel good now

doing this work

the only work i love that i know this is theo nly work
i lov

the space to do the only work i love
that i get to choose thefeel
the feeling now i love tha i get to

get to choose the feeling now
and life reflects the


i love me i love this right now
and i love feeling the feeling of

knowing myself of reemmbering
who i am

of devotion to the vortex
devotion to truth

i love the better it gets i love
that i get to make the choice

to feel good now!!

i love that i get to live!!

that there’s nothing left to dread i love that i
get to say yes thank you i love
that i get to


yes thank you

i love feeling good i love chossing

choosing the feeling i want to feel
i love feeling my best self flowing through me
i love

feeling my best self flowing
through me i love feeling good i love
feeling the flow

i love feeling the flow
i love

feeling the flow i love
feeling good i love

feeling life i love

feeling life flow through me i love
feeling good i love feeling

the love i love
feeling the love i love

feeling the love i love
feeling loved
and sending the signal of love

andk nowing

knowing that’s all i can do i
can just trust the flow i can

just trust the flow i can
trust the flow

i never have to try

i never have to strive

i never have to wonder

i never have to wonder!!

i love that i love myself i love
feeling good i love that i can just

trust the feeling trust the flow
and not get involved i love

i never have to get involved i love
that life

loves me i love that life
loves me i lovee that
i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good
i love

feeling good about msyelf
about my life
and saying thank you
in this here andnow

and now

so grateful to feel good
to love myself to feel loved to send the
signal to say thank you

to know
for sure
that i am made oflove
of love and that is

all there is

it feels good to work on myself
to scroll through myself

to feel good about who i am
to celebrate life right now

because everything is in my favor

it feels good to be in a really good mood!!

to feel at ease in my life
to feel happyin in m

in my life to feel loved
to love and feel loved to
let go

of resistance
to let go
of the

the blockage
to let

my guard down
and just love
it feels good
to let down my guard

to only speak

kind words

it feels good to only think

and speak kind words
it feels good to

feel good it feels good to feel good