it’s all created

with the feeling it’s all created with the feeling
it’s all the feeling it’s all

it’s all the feeling it’s the feeling it’s all created
it’s all
created with the feeling and i love that i know that
and from that standpoint i can agree that life
is reflecting the feeling

i create it with the feeling so
i get to chosoe i get to choose i get to choose
how i want to feel right now i get to choose

how i feel right now i get to choose how
i feel right now i love that
i get to i love that i
get to choose how i feel and that i am aware
i am aware
i am aware i am aware

that life follows the feeling that
life follows the feeling

i know that life can’t choose it can only follow the feeling
and i know i am god so create something new

just use the feeling i had it
and then


where did it go
i’m so perplexed!!


never been more perplexed

i know i know it’s easy to choose it’s easy to create
with the feeling so just choose it just
accept that life can only ever reflect the
feeling so i have to

if i want to see what i want i have
to feel how i want first i lovet hat i know thiss
and tha ti have the kills to

skills to do it i love that i can let it go
i love that i dont have to care that i enver h

never have to try that i never can try
that i enver

never can try?

i’ve let it go forever i’ve let it go forever
and i’m doing me because i don’t have to car ei love that

i love that i don’t havet o c

to i love that i can do the only work
do the owrk of feeling how i want to feel
anc athen

and then allowing life to fill in the rest
and i knwo i know that

i know that i never have to figure it out
i never have to try and i know that when life

life is always on my side and i can just say
thank you to everything that is

i can just say thank you
to everything that is

whatever it is its not my problem
and i refuse to think about it re

i refuse to care if that’s how they weant to be

then ok dodged that bullet lol

which is really true so whatever
i dont have to care i can just
enjoy life right now!!

i know that the feeling creates
so i have to let go of the feeling of what i don’t want and choose the
feeling id o want i liove that i can
choose to lfe tit

let it go i love that i can c

choose to let it go i love that i can choose
to let it go i love that i knwo i love that
i know i’m creating it and i know tha ti am
seeing evidence of my feelings

i know that and i know that i get to choose
how i feel adn that’s

it’s easy to i’ll just create the other version and
allow the atoms to

arrange themselves that’s all i can do

and i’m good at it i know how
to trust the universe

i know how to trust the universe

i love that i have to power to not care
and that is my power

why suffer why suffer why suffer

and i’ve sppent
spent WAY too much time thinking about this way too mch

much energy so i’m
now i’m jsut devoted to me to om
my own life to how i feel and
the conrast

contrast helps me do that hte
contrast heps me do that

helps me do that helps me do that the
contrast helps me

i love that i know tis only me
its a way to us

i ilove that its up to me to care and i dont
have to care i don thave to care
i don thave

have to care i dont have to
care i dont have to care i

why suffer why suffer why suffer i
i now i didn tdo anything worng

i can only be me i can only be me
and i stand by it i stand by hwo i a
who i am
all the faces of me and i don tcare

if they dont like me
or i sdid

did something so hoorible
oh wellw

why suffer why suffer
why suffer why


i love that i feel the feeling comeing back
that i get to choose how i feel ad n

and no matter what
i can refuse to suffer
it snot affec

its not affecting me right now its now
affecting me right now i know that i get to

i get to choose to let it go and just accept it
it just is it just is i know that

i know that all of life is created with the
feeling the feeling life
is created with the feeling the feeling
all of life is created with the feelign

i’ve already spent too much time thinking
about it so i’m over it i’m over it

i’m over it i dont have to care
i dont have to think about it
i can just choose to feel good like who could care

and its a chance to do the work the reall work
and let go and create the

with the feeling cho
to choose me and not care what other peopl ethink
i love that i dont have to care

that i cana lways act with love that i awlways will
i love that i don thave to care i lov etha ti

ii love that i dont have to care
and tha’ts awhst

what the work is helping me do
i love that i know its all me its only
ever me i love that i know tis

only ever me i get to feel good

i get to feel how i want to feel no matter what
and i love that i know that is the truth

that it’s only ever me and it
can only reflect me