it’s always my choice

whre i ply
i place my foucs what i decide to look for
how i decide to feel and i love
doing the work gathering momentum

doing the work
gathering momendutm
momentum i love

the fitness of the mind i love fitness of the mind
i love doing the work i love
that iknw i am god lov tat i now
that i now i
i know i am god i love that
i know i am god i love
that i know it always flows through
me i know that it is flowing

through me irhgt n
right now i love that today
life if

life is good i love that life is good tday
today i lov hat i that
i get to do this
workt he

i love feeling good ilove
celebrating life today i love
celebrating life

inthis right this
right now

living the version i prefer
i love lving

living the life i prefer

i love living the life i want
right now i love that
this is how i want it to be
i love that this
this is how i want it to be i love

that life already is i love that
i get to celebrate this dasy i love

i love that i get to celebrate this dsay
i love that i get to feel good

i love doing the worki i love
celebrating the now i love

feeling good now i love feeling the
feeling of connection to self i can
always come back here i

can alwys come
always come back to center i love that
ther ei

is so much to love i love that
life is good i love that i know that

that life is good and that

it’s only ever me it’s only
ever it’s only

ever me

i love this day i love
that i get to make

that i get to

make the choice to love this
day this day i love this day i love

this day i love this dasy i love
i love

that today is a good day i love
that it’s only a feeling i know that
life is a feeling life
reflects the feeling i know that
life reflects the

feeling and i love that i
get to feel the feelig i want to
feel i love that i get to

feel the feeling i want to feel i love
that i love that nothing matters i love
that i ge tto feel
to feel good

in this here and nowi get to
get to lean into the flow
in this here and now i kno that

that life loves me i lovehta t

life loves me i love that i
get to feel good i love
that i get to feel free i love

that i get to feel free

so grateful for this day
for feeling good so gratefl that
life is good

so grateufl i know that
it’s my choice

it’s my choice to trust the flow
the feeling to feel good to

i love that i know this is a good
day i love that life is good i love

that life is good i love

i love that

life is good i love i love that