its an old vibration but i’m

grateful for it because it helps me focus
it helps me focus it helps me remember how i want to feel

it helps me remember my power
to remember that my power is letting go my power is getting out of thew ay

it helps me remember to get out of the mirror and change the face

i knowt his and i know its always a lesson its always a lesson
in letting go in getting out of the way
in refusing to suffer
refusing to pick on myself
refusing to strive and try and plan
jsut getting out of the way and knowing and feeling
i know this is all i can do is feel the feeling of healing
i know this is all i can do is feel the feelinga

and i love that i get to feel it that i get to
feel the contrast that helps me

launch me there that i’m aware of the old
vibration and that it helps me
that i’m aware of it helps me
because i remember

its just a feeling its just me
creating with attention and i can choose to put that

all that attention on something that i want

the contrast helps me focus
and it feels good the contrast helps me focus and it
feels good so i’m grateful to the contrast for


helping me focus i’m grateful to the contrast for halpeing
me focus

grateful to this day for allowing me to feel good

so grateful i know the other side of the ave i know
it so well and that i get to feel it know

that kno

feel it now that i know it so well and i get to

relax in it right now

i can alays relax into the other side of the wave
and celebrate knowing that is the serum

and i know it for a fact!!

today i’m feeling the other side of the wave and celebrating it
i’m so grateful to the contrast that
helps me focus i’m so grateful to the contrast that helps me
focous so grateful i get to ease and flow in my life

get to celebrate my life right now
get to celebrate my life right now

i kow the opposite side of the wve

wave i know tahe alignment with god i know the
feeling of allowing i celebrate the feeling of allowing
of feeling god about
good about myself
god about myself knowing that my attention

creates and that’s all i need to remember i celebrate
the knowledge that my attention
creates that looking for things creates them

i know this i know this
i know this i know this
i get to feel how iw ant to feel i get to

feel how i want to feel right now
and then when youp ractice
feeling that over and over all day every day
then you look ip a

and you are it
that’s just how you feel and that’s just how it is
i know that this is life i know that tis
this is life and i get to feel it i know that it already is
i know that it already is

i know that it already is i know that it already is i love that
i know that i love that life already is the way i want it to be
i love that i al

i know i’m already successful i love that i get to feel it
get to celebrate it get to know it

grateful to do this work and feel at ease
to d

do the focus work and feel at ease
refust to give that my attention

even thou i’m annoyed that its an old vibration
i’m celebrating because its so

easy to [c


pick up the other end of the stick a
and i celebrate that i have this

ingrained knowledge i celebrate that i knkow
my power and i now how to use it i know how to

use it i now i know how to feel good i know how to
feel how i prefer to feel and i know that’s
what creates
i know that’s what creates

i am aware of how i feel i am aware of how i feel
and i always make the choice to feel how i prefer
because i know that

is what creates and i love that i get to feel it
i love that i get to feel it i love that i get to feel it
i love that ii get to feel it i love that i get to feel it

i love that i know ti already is i love that i know it

already is i love that i get to choose it now
becuse it already is it
already is i love that i get to choose it now
because it already is

i never have to think about it
i never have to try i never have to fix anything
i never can

all i can do is feel and i love that i know this
all i can ever do is feel and i love that i know this

i love that i know the truth get to practice the truht
in every moment i love that i get to feel it
i love that i get to
feel it i love that i get t

the truth i get to feel the truth of life
i get to feel the god of life the love of life right now
i get to feel the love of life right now

i get to allow it to fill my heart i get to allow it to fill my
heart i get to feel good i get to look for evidence of success i
get to feel it and know that the feeling
is what creates
the feeling is what i creates and i celebrate knowing that

i celebrate knowing that

i celebrate knowing that!!