its easy

not to care to go to this t
th p

the place where ntohing else is
its eay to reside

int he place where nothing
else is
its eay to

to feel good to knowt o know
to know to know to know

to know to know to know to know
to know

to know to know to know to know
to kow

rightnow it

its eay to always return
its easy to choose not to ccare

to keep choosing not tic are
about anytig

anything its eay to tno
to not care about anything its eay
to say yes to everything that comes

its easy to

say yes to everything that comes that
come tha

that comes that comes

that comes from center tfomr

fromt he center the place of
center the place of not caring the

placce ofnot c
of not caring wht happens
or where i am of saying yes
to everything that
comes that

the feeling of relaxing fully into the oment
the feeling ofnt pickig it up of refu
o f refusing to sufer
of tunig in and tapping in and
turning on

the feeling of turning ona dn ig et i get to choose the e
feeling of turning on

because at center nothing matters

center nothing matters and that is the s

true source of happiness

the sourcce and the desitination of happiness

of true bliss
is right here and now in thei mo
this moment

experiencing tha’s all nd ilove that
the freedom and the ffeleint he feleing
of nt

caring of choosing not to care of nt

of one day choosing not to care and to day
i can
i get to feel that feelign i get to let
it draip

drop away because i know tis not real
i know its not my source i know it will never be my source

its easy to know its easy to know its
easy to know

its eays to tre

return to ccenter to not allow myself to
feel to


the center ite eay
to cffel center ita

its eay to feel ccenter
to feel

the ccenter its eay to relas x
into center

the place where nothing matters


the placce whre i know the trh
the tr
turht its easy to exist in the place where i nkow the
truth mto

to mkae the choice
how i feel and know hat life

reflects it iesy

eay to let the rest go

its easy to let it relfect me to
to let the rest melt awy

its eay to choose not to look at it
to allow life to ma

melt its easy to for it boe i the
in the aith
its eay tin

its eay tin easy tin in the air

in the the the i
air the

the air its eay to eralx t
to center to remember the truth
of whre i find my blixx of

of how i wake up feeling good how i get to wake up feeling good
and its by not careing

by realling not caring by
not picking it up its by not paicking it up

its by trusitng god its by

giving life

trusitng life

i wake up feeling good by trusting life
i wake up feeling
good by trusting life by trusting life

by trusting the flow of life by knwoing tis going
to e

be a good day by knwiong thknowing that god is

is on my side by knowing that god is on
my side knowing that god is

on my side that god is on my side

i wake up knowig that life is flowing perfectly
through me i wake up knowing its going to be a good ay
that life loves me

thank you for the god self within
that i know that it rust i

that i trust thank you for the
god self within that i know and trust
that i know and trsut

trust that i nkow and trust

the centet where i know its not
real i

i get to wake up feeling good knwoing
life is on my side i know life is on my s

sid ei

knowig that life is flowing
that life is flowing my way

i get to wake up feeling good
knowing that life is flowing my way

doing this work goin

doing the feeling work
knwoing tis the

its the feeling work that
i canalways
alawys find the feelign plae and

and that its never outside of me

tis the feeling place
its the
here adn now andn

and none of it matters

i get to wake up feeling good
knowing life is on my sid e

i get to relax in the hre
and now in the center
in the place where

all else slips away
i get to exist not caring

i dont have to care i dont have
to care i love that id

dont have to care that i
gt to jut have fun i dont have to care

i gt to
get to just have fun

i get to just have fun
in this
i the

in the center
knowing life is on my side
trusting whatever happnes

having the celebrating within i get to celebrate life
because i knwo life is celebrating me

i knw life celebratine ms
in every moemnt and i celebrate it

i get to wake up feeling good knwoing
that life is celebrating me
and that the god place is the

place with nothing else
the place whte

wher ei get to
to not care

where i can’t cae th
the placce whr i can’t care and i just
trsut life

i know i can always find the feleing place
and it feel soo

good to t

t do

to do the work thankyou life
for ea

teaching me
thatnk you god for teaching me

thank you god for hleping me
toda i choose not to care to

today i choose to have fun
today i choose to have fun

today i choose to have fun

and i know that it comes from caring
and that if i can find a way tno

not to care

if i can find a way not to care
and jsut have

then ill live a much happier life

i dont have to care i dont have to care

just laugh

i dont have to care!!