it’s easy to feel how i want to feel

easy to return to center to return to god its easy to return to god

it’s easy to switch to the reality i prefer
its esas

easy to flip the switch to the feeling place i prefer t live
to live in i love at
that i get to choose that life helps me

i love that life helps me i love that life helps me

it’s easy to switch to the reality i prefer and thats
that’s the only work i love that i know that
i love that i know life

is always on my side
life is always acting in my favor
and i love that i know that now that i can

get perspective and see that i can

get perspective and see that

it’s easy to flip the switch its easy to not ccare its

its easy not to care its easy to feel good now to feel the flow
now its easy to feel the flow now to feelt he feeling
i want to feel right now and that is my power

that is the power of me its easy to flip the switch

its easy to remember that feeling is the secret its easy to remember that feeling is the secret

its easy to remember that feeling is teh secret
its easy to feel how i want to feel right now

i know that feeling is the secret
and only feeling

it’s easy to do the only owerk it s

it’s easy to do the only work the feeling work
its easy to feel the feeling work to do the

feeling work its easy to

tune it all out its easy to tune it all out
its easy to choose the feeling i wnt
want tofeel
to feel to choose hw i want to go through life
tis easy t

its esay to choose how i want to go through life
how i want to go through the
day how i want to feel right now
tis esay to choose
how i want to feel
right now

the feeling the feeling the feeling is allt her
there is and i can ignor the rest i love that i can

ignor the rest

i love that i kow t
i know god is the drug
i can always release and come back to the god feeling

just be releasing the resistance that blokcs it

it feels good to focus on the feelings to feel how i want to feel
to feel that feeling is there i can feel that feeling is
there and its easy not to black

block it to not let anything

i love that i know god is the drug
i love feeling the feeling of it i love that
the feeling is there

it’s alwayas here with me

always here with me
so grateful to know so gratful for the perspective
so grateful for the feeling of yes

so grateful for the

feeling i want to feel to know the feeling i wnat to feel
and know its laway
always here with me to know i get to stand up to my thougths
i get to stand up to my resistance

i get to choose to celebrate i get to choose to love myself
to like myself to be into myself to appreciate myself

to stand up to my thoughts to celebrate the feeling
to feel how i want today knowing that how i feel how i feel is

all there is i love that i know that all of life
reflects the feeling

i get to choose i get to choose and its easy
its easy

feel good or … ???

decide to feel good decide to have fun
decide to enjoy the day
decide not to let anything get to me decide not c

to care about bullshit decide to allow god
to be the drug
decide to allow decide to feel good

decide to feel good decide to feel good

decide to let it go dand just
and just be i know i dont have to make anything ahpp

happen i odn thave to make any feeling happen i can

just let go and allow i can just let go
and allow life to flow through me i can just get out of the way
i can just get out of the ay

how i feel is up to me and that’s all there is
i know ti’s there i know teh god self is there

and all ih ave to do is allow it to be
not cloud it over with junk i know its that
easy i know life is this easy i know its this

easy to enjoy life to feel good to allow the
bloackages to slip away

to choose to just love to choose to enjoy the day

i’m here and i get to celebrate i get to celebrate being a life

alive i get to celebrate a good life i get to celebrate a good life
i get to celebrate feelign good i get to celebrate lif

liking myself i get to like myself i get to love myself i

gratefult o be

to be here

feeling grateful to be here feeling
grateful to be here aware of how i feel
aware of the version i create for myself

aware of the version i create

for myself
since i am the one and only creator

i am the one and only creator

i love that i know the signs are everythere

that i know god is in everything i love remembering to look for it
to know ti s

its here i love knowing that god is in everything i love
remembering i am god i am theo ne and
the one and only creator of my life experience
i love choosing to allow god
to be the drug

i love that i like working out
that i like feeling good in my body that like
beign fit
and strong i love that i get to enjoy my life

life experience i get to feel it and enjoy it to the fullest i know that
it’s always me creating and i get to create the version i prefer
i know the power of me and i
get to choose i know the power ofme an

me and i get to choose it