it’s easy to have fun it’s easy to

transmute the pain body it’s
easy to make the choice where i put my
focus its easy to feel good no
matter what its easy to love

its easy to make the choice
its easy to feel good its
easy to send the signal of yes its easy
to feel good its easy
to feel the feeling to know that
anything can happen
to know that the feeling is always there

god is always right here with me
and it just depends on where i put my focus
it feels good to make the choice
to enjoy this day it

it feels good to tune myself to the
vibration of me to allow the flow to
flow through me it feels good to make
the choice for me i am making the choice
for me and that’s all that matters


i choose mountain top

i love the better it gets i love
that i get to feel the feeling now and i know
that this work really wrks i now that
this work
really works i know that i get ot feel
to fee the feeling i get to feel the
feeling i love that i get to feel the feeling
i love that i get to make the choice
i love that i get to celebrate right now

i love that i
only i get to choose where i put
my focus and i love the
power of transmutation
i love that i get to feel good now i love
that i get to celebrate life i love
that i get to expect the best i love

that its easy to expect the best
its easy to expected the best its easy to say
thank you to feel the magick and to know
that the magick is always here with me
i love

that i know i love that its easy t
o turn the boat its easy to feel
good now to make the choice to

feel the feeling right now i love
that life is good i love

that its easy to feel the feeling
right now i love that i know its only me i love
that i get to choose i love
that i get to be in a good mood i love
that i get to be in a good mood

i love that it always works out i love
that i get to celebrate life with my wife

i love that i can be ok with myself
i can apprecitate and love myself
and forgive myself
i can let that go dna lo

and look for the best i love

i get to tune myself and its
easy i love that today is a good day i love
that i get to feel good and allow
life to flow through me i love
that i get to celebrate because all my wishes
are coming true i love that i
get to choose where i put my focus i love
that i get to choose to be in a good mood
i get to allowthe good mood to come to me i loe
that i know

when i ask it is given

i love that i know
i don’t have to do it all right now i kno w

i love that i know i am
god and i get to choose how i
experience life i love
that i now feelin

i know feeling preceeds
experience i know this i know i kno w
first i feel it then i see it
i know its just a feeling
and the feeling is always there i know
this work helps me
become more aware of it i know
that its always there and i can always feel it i love
that its always there
and i can always feel it

no matter what i love that i get to
feel the feeling now i love that i

i can do the work and i now
all that matters is the devotion to the work
so i make the coice t
choice to feel good now and
that’sa ll i

all i can do i make the choice
to feel good now and that’s all i can do i love
that i can allow

everything else to slip away i love
that i don’t havet o care

to care about what someone else thinks
or feels i know the feeling is in side of me
and the only reason i would feel bad would be
because i was looking at something
that wasn’t ein

in alignment
with my higher self i now
i know its easy to let all that go
and enjoy the magick
of love i love that its easy to love
to feel the certainty of
gods presence in my life

i know i know i know i know i now
i know the feeling i know the
feeling i don ‘thave toi

i know i don’t havet o
explain it or care about it
just let it go and feel good now
and i now them

the more i do this work and pracitce how
i want to feel the better i feel and i train
my mind through compassion
and that als means

also means for myself i love
love is allt hat matters
and that means loving myself
and loving this right now no
matter what i love

that i can feel the feeling
i love that i nkow
i know its only me i love

i know i can be still
i can allow this here and now
to be what it is and that’s
all i can do

i can allow this here and now
to be what it is and that’s all i can
do i can

turn toward the flow
turn toward the flow

i am allowing myself to
be my best self i am allowing myself to
feel good now i kno that

that is all i can ever do i
is enjoy this here and now i know
that s all

is all i can do and the
contrast helps me know that
i love that i get to e in

be in a good mood right now i loe
that i get to celebrate who i am
i love that i now i am

i know i am god and
i never

havet o worry
about anything