its easy to tune

its easy to eun
tune back to center to be aware of the feeling place
the feeling place the body
and mind are in and ease them back to center back to the

truth and the only reason

the reason that is all that matters
is because each moment of your life depends on how you feel

each moment, do you feel good? are you enjoying it?

do you appreciate it? are you grateful?

because if you don’t feel good in themoent
the moment then its wasted and life is wasted
so make the en

make the time to feel good find the way
to feel good to feel
through the feelings and not dwell

come back to god and tell god your sorrows and allow
god to absorb them

allow yourself to feel good toen
to enjoy life to be enough allow this moment ot
to be enough relax into this

relax into this here and now
the sooner i learn to do it
the better allow

this here and now to be enough

all that is allow it to be enough
allow life to be enough i l

allow life to be anout

allow life to be enough

just feel good just feel good

i’m sorry i

was triggered by the way
you are by

because you didnt
meet the standards i set or the way
i thought it should be done
or maybe because i wanst
prepared or was ferclempt idk

but next time ill do do better and
be loving and understanding
and im letting it go now and deciding to
do better next time

i’m letting it go now

its esy to tune and the tuning
is all there is and the contrast helps

you tune hlep s
you tr

return to center tre
return to love return to where you want to be
to allow it
to allow life to allow life to

to allow life to allow life to allow

life to unfold to allow life
to unfold to notice the difference
to notice the difference to notice

just take note just take note just
take not just
let ti

it go there’s nothing i can do

publish then filter
and i dont’ have to be so hard on myself either
i’m allowed to have certain expectations

its easy to tune its
easy to tune to pay attention to how i feel
to say thank you for the can

chance to learn to pay attention to where my thoughts
are and take controld

easy to take control and that
is the work grateful for

a project a chance to use
the magick !

yes this is a chance to use the magick

have loving and friendly interactions

to create them
to embrace them
to welcome them to
expect them to know them

a chance to do the work t
o focus on the version i pefer


a co-productive creation

a magickal co-creation
and that is the version i prefer
and i’m so grateful
life hlep

helped me come to focus on it
helps me f

me feel the feeling i want to feel
the feeling i want to feel
now i fee

always have access to it
when i turn toward it when life

gives me the chance to do it myself