it’s just for fun!

and i don’t have to worry about the
numbers or care about the numbers or
any of that

all i can do is make the choice to
enjoy life and enjoy what i do
and the rest will follow

in the flow the rest will follow in the
flow and that’s all i can do is
feel in alignment with life

it only matters how i feel
andi get to choose to feel good about that
i know that then

the things i want follow

i know it’s all about how i feel and i

get to make the choice
to feel to feel good i get to feel good i
get to feel good

i can do it i can
feel the flow and i don’t have to
look at or think about what

anyone else is doing i know my life
is just for me and its not

a competition
i know its just for fun and
whatever is themost fun

is all that matters iknow its
only up to me how i feel i know

i know it’s only up to me how i feel and i get to feel
the feeling i get to feel the feeling
of me i get to feel the feeling
of me i get to feel the feeling

of me i get to feel the feelig of
yes and that’s all i can ever do i know

all i can ever do is feel the feeoing
of me to feel the feeling of god

i know all i can ever do is
feel the feeling of god all i can
ever do is

feel the feeoing

feeling of god and focuson how i
wnat to feel

it’s not a competition

its just for fun and that
is the energy i wnat to surrond it

that is the energy i want to

go into it with and
that is the

energy i want people to get out of
it and the only thing

i can affect

it’s just energy and i can
allow it to flow i can allow myself to

choose love

because it always feels better
to love and i get to make the choice to

send loving energy toward that thing
i want to compete against

it’s easy to feel good and i know that
i know i can allow myself to feel good

and trust the flow i know
its not a competition
i know its not a competition and its
just for fun i know ts just
its just for fun

i know its just for fun
i knkow its just for fun
i know its just for fun
and only then

when i allow myself to

do i feel good i know its
just for i know its just for
fun and its not a competition
i know it feels beter to love

to love and wheni send the
signal of love
i attract the signal of love
i love that ther is s

so much to love i love that ther e

is so much to love i love that i
its easy for me to feel good and

celebrate life

it’s easy to feel good and
celebrate life i love that its

all just for fun i love

that it’s all just for fun i love
that life is just for fun

i can alwys just

keep allowing the best i love
that i know the best of life

is always flowing through me
i know that the best

i know that the best of life
is always flowing through me i know t
hat the

the best o flife is

alwys flowing through me i know
i can go for it i love
that i can go for it i love

that i can go for it i love that

there is alwys more than

enough i love that
htere is always more than enough i l

for everyone

and i can alwys

just let it go i know its just for
fun and when i make the choice
to have fun
with it

then its fun

when i make the choice to
have fun with it

then its fun

i know it doesn’t matter
and it’s just for fun i know
its just for fun
i know its just for fun

i know the flow
i know the flow is always flowing

i know the flow is alwys flowing

and all i can do

is relinquish my power

to the flow
when i give awya

my poer to

power to the flow
i’m really

actually realzing my full

potential i am

realizing my full power

when i let the flow do it

when i let the flow do it
when i let the flow do it then
i know i am always in the
right place at the right time

when i let the flow do it
i know everything is always

happening perfectly i know the
flow an

can only reflect me i know the flow
shows me who i am and i know its just energy

so themore i let go

the more it flows the more i let go

themore it

it flows the more
i let go themore it flows
and i knoth

i know that

i can let the energy do i t i know i
get to feel the feeling simply choose

to feel the feeling and its that


its easy to feel the
flow its easy to trust the flow

the energy and its easy to choose
the feeling of love

to choose to be grateful for
what i do have instead of


about what i don’t

i love that i dn’t hav

don’t have to care i love
that i know the flow is

alwys flowing
and i have the power

to believe in that

to believe inthe

in the energy that
creates worlds

flowing through me

and i can allow spirit

to take care of the rest