its me

its me its me

only i can fo
solve my problems only i can

flip the switch i
only ic an do the work i knwo

i kno ia m the mores
most powrful creator i know ia m the morest
most powerful created


i know this work always works i nwo this work swlays wa

always ro
works and the feeling i miss it

is the feling of feeling of not aring

its me

i feel the truth i feel the truth i know the one
ando nly and only true i know
i know the the one and only trie
truth i know the one and only truth i now

i now the truth i feel the truth right there
i feel the truth i now

i know i am the powerful one i now i am the the
powerufl ione
one and i now
i know the feeling i seek i now i know i nkow its not
outside o em
of me i nkow tis
its al

god its always god i can always choose the god self

i love how far ive come i love that i can trusth te
the flow
i dont havvet o be right i dont have to be right

i can trust the flow ic an choose love i ca

can choose to feel good

i now l
i kknow that life is good i now that life
is godo i know

i nkow it comes from
thinking my vaulue

value is outside of me
but i nkwo that all i can do is trust god
i nwo that i feel better th
when i decide tno
not to care i love hat i

that the work always works that this is the work
that this is life this is

is my art i now that this is my art i love
that i nkow i love tha ti get to feel it
that i get to feel the feeling of transmutation
that i get to say yes and yes

that its too easy that im too powerufl
i love that im
i know im too poerufl

its me its me and i t
it feels good to come here and od the work
the only work the only work

i nkow this is it god is it
everything else is just for fun

life is god life is awa

is only abou

entrie entire focus on the god within
i love that i knwo i love that im the powerfu one i love that
i know i

i now im the boss i love that i nwo im the boss
and tis eay to remember i lov etha t
i get to feel how iw ant to feel n oa tt

no matter what i get to feel g
the god self here with me no matter what i love that
i know the truth and i can always come back to it

that its eya
easy to feel good i love that its easy to feel good
i love that i get to cchoose it now i lovve that
it s

its easy to love me becuase i am
that’s the only eason i am


god loves me becuse i am
god loves me because iam
i am
god loves me because

i love that

entrie focus entire focus on he god with
as the only cause of my porsp

prosperity and i now
i know nothing else matters and life
helps me do the wo

work i am aware

i am aware of how i feel and i nwo that
that how i feel dries
is that what you want

is that what you want is the
that the version you want to acct out

is the the version you want to play
i get to play the versoin i want
and god fulfilles it
its too easy

i loe that i never have to wonder i
just turn toward the answer tha is always right

right here i loe that i kknow and i never have to wonder

i love that i now it
and its that easy to drive life
i now that life
reflects the

feeling and its so eay i love
that i now tis just me adn
and god i loe that i knwo life is good that life
loves me and i dont

have to ccreate the verseoin
i love that i get to choose
to allow life to be easy

i never havet o
to wonder i nevver have to care
i havve nothing to gain

nothing to desire
i dont need anything to happen
i dont need

anything to happen
i dont care what happens i just accept it
i feel good i
tust the in nd out of life i
do th

i always do the work i always do the work i always do the work
and the work always works the work alawys wroks

i love that i get to ffeel it ig et to feel the
love of god fir
right now i get to feel gods love right now
i get to feel goodn o matter what
and know
that htings outside of me dont matter
that i made them
and i can make another version i love
that i get to feel it now i love that i get to feel it now i love that
i et to
to feel it now and i never have to wonder i love

that the wor alawys works i love tha t
i get to feel it now

i love that i get to choose knwoint
knowing that i neverr have to wonder that i can allow my
heart to sing that

my heart sings because god is flowing through it
and i can allow myself

my heart to sing that truth i cn allow myself to feel
bliss no matter what i know that bliss

happens for no reason i knwo that bliss only hapens for
no reason

i release all desire
i reelase

all desire and relax into god
i reelase all desire and releax into god

i dont care what happens
i just feel the feeling of letting go an d

and allowing life

god to come into my life