its me

stop giving it away

i can do it i can stop giving it away i can take it back
right now i make the choice to take it back right now iam ke the choie
tot ake it back

i take it back i have to i have to i want to enjoy my life
i can’t li


leave that up to someone sel i can

i can’t

i have to make the choice to enjoy
my life and it has to be independent

of anything else it has to be independent of that

and i know that is the owrk

i choose to allow the
energy to be headless

i allow myself to be headless to
refuse to allow the ind to do its thing

so grateful to get my wish to get what i wanted to say
thank you for the time and spacce

so grateful for the time and space
the time and space

so grateful for the time and sapce

i have to take it back i have to take it
back t
what does that maena
mean not allowing
myself to think about it and

takinb back how i feel looing for ways to celebrate
my own life everywhere and not allowing myself
to feel bad knowing that life loves me

loving myselfoo

loving myself alll i can do is love myself
knwog that ive donw

always doen myi best

do the only work do the only work
make the the

the choice that is all that’s missing and its so esay
i knwo that life loves me n

me and i deeply accepte

everything that is i kno that
i know that there s nothing i can do
besides accept and say yes

all i can ever do is say eys
say yes allow myself to

do the owrk theo nly work i ahve to do the oly work
and life helps me i have to change the energy and life hels me
i love loving my life

i love getting to work oon my work i love plenty of time to reasd

take it and it fyou lose it take it back

take it and if you lose it take it back
that is the only onop

opotion option tka eht


take the enegy by the reigns take life
by the reigns

take it and dont give it away

choose it and if you see yourslef
if you feel yourself creating omething you
dont want

nop i

nipit in the bud is

it is the only wa and its is the only wayt

\to see the physical experience change
its the only way
its the only

just to celebrate life celebrate the new
phase ele

celebrate all ive learned knowing i dont need that
that it neer was that it never was that and ive

learened so much that i can n
take into the next phase

so grateful i know now that i get to choose
the feelign now i tha
that i dont evidence that i dont need te

evidence that i get to choose the feeling iw atn to feel that
tis that

easy that life is that eays

i know thats nothing missing i know im
getting exactly what ia m i know ia m e
getting exaclty what i am

so grateful for the space and time

so graefulf or the spacce and time

to get to pull back k

take it back

take it back

make the choice
and stop wondering make
the choice and sotp wond

wondering decide to move on
leave it in the past and focus
in the prsen

focs i the present

choose it now i have to that
that’s all i can do

nothing broke
nothing is broken nothing
is broken nothing is broken

nothing is broken and its not her
shes not the source

she doesnt decide how i feel

i do i get to choose hw i go
through life and this
contrast helps me focus helps me remember who ai

i am helps me od
do this work the only work hlps m e

be aware of the cre
version i creaste th
that i get to that i get to stan up
to my thouggh

that i get to chosot hat i get to chose
taht i know tha
its all perfect htat were dgetting wor
to work which is what we tane
that we can let her have it

i love that i have a good life
that i love the fall that i dealt with my clothes that
i gto to war my new sweater
i love that i love my closes
closthe si love that my enjoying

ment of life is up to me i get to choose it get to let
that go foreve

tis only ever me choosing it

it doesnt matter i can chooe
any version i can
choose any verison i cn choose any
version i knwo ti kno wits just practice

just practice

i know this i know this i know thi
its up my choiceit smy choice

i accept my choices i know im choosing this
i love that i get to i love that i get to
lvie my life for me i love that i get to feel good

now i love that i get to feel godo nwo
i get to feel the magic of life now i get to love me now i get
to choose the feeloing of loving me

i get to choose teh ccertainty of not wondering
i get to choose
the pivot thought i get to hcoose the
pivot lth

that i love me

the feeling is always right there for the
taking the feeling is always right there for the
taking i love that

can spend time apart and
i love that the im
the time aprat m

apart makes the time together
better and i alays
alays wanted tha i love the feeling of chossing
i ove i love that
feeling of choosing ofnow
no longer wondering
