its me

it can only be me tis only
ever me its the energy of me life is the
energy of me and i love that
i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel good today i love that
i get to love life today i love that
i get to love life today i love
that i get to feel the energy of me

i kwno ti ow the at
that life can

can’t show me something that im not
i have to comeb
become it first i have

i am god then the
i see god when i know i am god then
i see god in everything i see god in
everything i see the magick of life
in everythin g
i see

all my wishes coming true all around me

i get to feel good i get to feel the feeling of life flowing through me
i get to feel the
feeling of life flowing through me
i ge to t
to feel good i get

god i get to ccelebrate

i get to feel good nothing can stop me
from feeling how i watn to feel and i lvoe that i nkow ths i love that i now this

can stop me from feeling how i watn tofeel
i get to feel good now i
get to feel good now i get to feel the flwo now
i get to feel the
flow now i get to feel the flow now i

i knowt he feeling

i know the feeling i know the feeling i kwo the
devotoni to the feeling

i know the feeling of my heart singing
i know the feeling of the
flow flowing i know the feeling
of the flow

i know the feeling of the
devotion i kow the feeling of devotoin
i know

i knwo it i know it i know the poweer of ie i nkow
power of it i know the pwoer of it i kow

its the easiest and the ahrdes t
thing i love that i ge tto choose it i love that
i know it i lov ethat i ge tto
choose to feel good no am
matter what to f
have fun no matter what to feel the flow no matter what

i know the feeling of the
devotoin i know the
feeling of the devotoin
i know the feeling of the devotion i know

the feeling of the devotion

i know the feeling of the devotoin i know the
feeling of the devotion

i know the feeling i know the feeling
of the devotoin of feeling good fo allowing god to swim throughme
of allowing god to m

to be me i nkow that god is me
i th
i now the feelgon
i ko the feeling of hte devotoin

devotion tot he feeling
tot he magick of life
i am

devotoin to the magick of life i love that i get to choose it i love that
i get to
be it i love that i get to feel it i get to
feel the devotoin i get to feel
the magick of life
i get to feel the mga

magick of life i get to feel the
magick o lfie i love that
i get to feel it i love that

get to feel it i love that i get to feel it i love

i lovet hat i get to feel it get to
feel the fe


i get to feel it and its within
i know it i kow the
i know the power of ethe focus i konw the pwoeer of ehte

the focus iwthin i knwo the powe of the focus within
i lvoe that i gt to feel it i lvoe that
i get to feel god i love that i
get to feel the flow of life flowing through me
i g

i get to feel the devotion

its right here
what i seek is always right here

waht i think f
i need from another person

what i thin i ee
i need another person to give me
is right here is

always right here its me
the feeling i think i need sf
from someone else is

my natural state
i knw this i know this
i know t

i release the rubber band and
expand to th
fill this here and now knowing i already have it

i knwot he feeling
of letting ther est go i know the
feeling of nothing

i know the feleing of nt

nothing i now the
feeling of nothing i know
the eeling
of zero i know the feeling of thedeovt ion

devotoin i know the feeling of the devotion i love that i get to

life cant show me something im
not cca

it can oly show me the energy
of me life can only show me
the energy of me life can only chos

me my devotoin i know my deovtion is my energy i
i nkow my deoviotn is my enrgy i know li

i love that i nkow i love that i nkow
i love that i nkow i love

that i nwo that
i knowa i love that i n
the feeling of devootoin i ilove that
i knwo the f
eeling of evot

devotin i know the feeling of devotion
i love that i nkow i love that
i nkkow i love that
i know i lovee that
i know i love htat
i know i love that

i know the feeling i knwo the feeling of th
devotoin i knwo the feeling of on th bus and i loe that i get tochoose
it right now