its me

i know the power of me and its all i
can ever choice as its the only choice

i now the tao does nothing the tao
does nthing ti know this i nkow the tao does nothing and leaves nothing left undone i know the
tao does nothing
and leaves nothing left undone

i am it i already am it i already am it i already am it

i stand up to my thoughts

i never havet o wont
to wonder i neverr have to wonder

i never havve to wonder becausee i know i

its me it

its me its sahtever whatever i am
its not up to anyone else and that is the design challenge i love hat
i know that i get to choose it now that
that i get to hoose choose it now that its easy

easier to love

i am

in love i am in love
i am happy nothing can touch m be
becuse because im in love

i have the feeling
and i never have to give my powerr away to anyone i never
have to give my power away

i know that only i have the poer to decide how i feel
i never havet o re
to react i now is not me i put space between what is me and what isn’t

i never have to care i love hat i
never have to care that i ge to just keep alllowing life to comet o me
i now ti s
its up to me to create the version i want

to say yes and eys
to a

be willing to do whatever is presenting

presented in the moment to say yes
to wahtever is presented in the moment

i mke the choice for how i wnat to feel
that i get to celebrate life that i
get to have ruf
fun that i get to have fun
and nejoy life
enjoy the

flow of well being to flow through me

i know the flow i know the f
poer of the flow i know i get to refuse to give my power
away i knwo hat life li
is always working out for me i love that life g
is always

its me i love that i now the power of me
that i get to choose it no and stick to
it stick to the devotion
to reelase ev

everything else and

it ne
never not me its all me it
all reflects me its al

all reflects me

its all reflects me
i am happy and loving i am easy going

having fun im having fun

i’m having fun

i’m having fun
i’m having

i keep my m ind and thoughts
off this world

and place my entire focus
on the god within as the only casue of my prosperity
i keep my mind
and thoughts off this world

i keep my mind and thoughts offf this wrl

wrld i love that i get
dont have to care i lov ethat
i dont
dont have to care

i kow i can do it i know that is
ita ll its all the feeling and i can
allow the rest of life to unfold i nkow its

its a feeling i nkwo its
its aall

i dot have to care i dont have
to care about


its me its me it s
me and thats the only part to htink
about theat the only part to focus

what i want waht
what i want waht h
i want waht i awnt

saying eys to getting what i want
saying yes to

getting what i want

its never not me and that is my power

its never not me and that is
my power

i place my entire focus on th gthe
god within as the nly
only casue

cause of my prosperity

i was goind s
doing so well i was doing greate i was

its a chance to use the magick t
o use
to use the magick on wthat what i get o
do is nothing dont look at it
i love that i get
i love that i get to not look at it
it i love that i get to

this work this work is all there
is the god feeling is all ther eis and i take that
with me everywhere i go
and i g
ake that with me everywhre i to
i now that i now that
i knkow that i get to trust the flow i get to trust the
flow the flow the
flow the

the flow the flow

the i know the only thing i can do
is nothing the only thing i can do is

feel now

be here now the pon
only place i can be is here hno
here now is here ano
is here now the pon
only the place i can e is here now the only place i can be is here nwo
is here now



ease flow



ease flow
tender feelingins

love and appreciation

the feeling the
the alignment is sl
all he
there is alll i can do

call i can hope for is alignemtn
to wakke up feeling happy to
go od
to bed feeling happy to feel good to feel happy

to feel happy

just don’t look at it
that’s the motto
that’s all i can do is feel good
now feel how i f
want to feel now feel the god right now
feel the god right now
and create teh version i prefer

prefer create the version i prefer
create the version i prefer

i choose it i choose it and
no one can ake it away
i know this i knkow this

i am happy i am madly in love

i am madly in love

so in love nothing can touch me so in love with god
that nothing can touch me
so devoted to god athat nothing can touch me

so devoted to god wthat
that nothing can touch em
an i k i know i can i know i dont have to care i know that is the practid i know i cand o
do it i kno i’m doing it already i know i’m doing it alreayd

flip its and feel love thats all
i cand o i ahve to decide the version i get to ccreate
i have to decie the
vesin i want to create
what i want to focus on

what i want to focus on i love htat
i don thavet o care
to care i love that i con t
dont have to care that nothing can douth

touch me i love that i now the pwor of
power of me and i get to celebrate it

what DO i want

i want
my own spacce
but then i was disappointed
when it was far waa
and we would be back and forth
and now were beside her
and i now its better

i want to celebrate i want to be
happy i awnt to feel happy i want to feel happy
i want the

that feeling of looking forward to it

i want to accept it i want to accept it
i want
to never talk to adam
i hate asam

hes so fucking annoying