its me its me its mit iw

its me it sm em ai
it alwas me and hwo i feel i feel gran
transforms i fein
i find i wa

i have to find i wa

ato choos thoe feel the way i would reath er

i have to find a way
to just swtihc ther enow and that is
the figr god gives me

i can do it ic an be ok i cn
t it go i cna
elt it god

i can let it go i can let it go i can let ig o ican
et ti goi can athinka bout something else i cn thinka bout aomsthing

esel i can think about something els i can t

i dont have to care
i dont have to car

jsut douca on soething else
just just

focus focus on something else
focuso n
on something esle

i dont have o care
all i need is god and
and god is always here all i can

i need is god and god ia
is always here i nkow this ic an
always rtrutn to cgod
god feel how god feels ci an always

feel how god feels i can always

i don thve to car

i jsut say yes i can
just say yes i can

just say yes i can just say eys

i know i i
i can laet it a

all god and let go god ea
take care of me i im
lettig god take

care of me im
allowign od to take care of me

i can let tig o i can taek my

attetnionf rom i i ti can
release ait and allow myse

fto feel fbetter
i can choos wha i think about

i know its neve them tis
its m ei nwo
i nkow i

its eve them tiem s
its me i need to wkr i on my ei now i know

i need tow rk on me

i know tis

its me i take responsiblity i kno tis m e

i can turn the boat right onw
ic an

i trutn the boat right now
r eu

refurse to suffer fight i refuse to fus

suffer right i refuse to fu

suffer right i dot hav to d
careim inddrerein
the ;min acan be pro or against mubt not indiferenr
whto would supply the misre ty
i l

relasae the supply of the misery i relse the suply of the miser
i caut off the supply of the misery

i knwo

i can cut off the flow of misery
an choose

to feel hw o d
feel gi can always choos to fele how god feels i an alwas choose

to feel how god feels

i cana lwys choose to feel ow ig
god feels i can choose to feel how god feels ic an choose not care
i can choose not ca
to care i can

choose not to care i can

choose not to care i cna

choose not to care

i et to chosee

its me choosig its me its me
i nkwo tis me i

i trun attntion io nits

itself it e

never them its never them it neve them
ts me
its n

neve them its me and i can choose ir
right now i can choose it here and now

its me choosig and i nwo tis not rale
i know none of it is real i now

none of it is real i now

i know none of its it is real i kow whe
withotutht emind there is no misrey
i nkow th

i nkow this and i can relax in this knowing

i can relax in the knowig

i can c
do it i can make it throught this i can
on tsomething ielse i cna turnt m stent
ai can let tit go i can

do the work i do the work i do the work
and know its me i now tis
ite ms
and i a

allow it and accept it ia llow god to valiidate me
i a

make th choce to feel to
good now i fe
make the choice to feel good

i knwo tis me i know i can do i

i can allow myself ot feel good
to let it i
it go

its so eay to let it go its e
so easy to not care
and just t

trust god its so eay to let it go
now its so easy to let

to let it go now its so easy
to let it go now

its seo

so easy to let it go now
its so

easy to not htinkg about it
just feel the way god feels just

feelt he way

god feeels
just feel

the way god feels

i can sipol let ti go
i lvoe tat ig et ti love t

i dont havet o care i can

jsut cchoosee to love
i can

choose o lve
i can choose tlo
to love the wi eto ahve a good day
to have a good lfie
i can c

choos to have a oo
good life to enjoy life to
turn to god a

to know god love sme how i am
god loves me how i am

i get to chose nto

to care i love that i can

choose god ill jus go with
god all ic an do is

go with god join wth god feel

the feeling o g
of god all ic an do i

is feel god all i can do

is feel good
god i

all i can do

its just me and god it just
me and god

god knows whats best b
god knowns whate
best and all
eveything heps me t

turn toward god

helps me turn w

toward god

its just me
and god and thas’a ll i

all i have to rmember
god loves me god takes care of me