its me its only me its only ever me

its only ever me and i get to decide how i eel ig et to
choose how i feel i get to make for the ccenter i can always make for the
cneter and allowt he rest to flowo
i can al

always make fr the ccenter and allow ther est to follow

and i dont have to care about the rest and i dont have
to care about ther est the rest i dont have to care aobut the

ther est i dont have to care aboutt he rest i can just
make th

for the ente rhte cetner thecne

and i dont have to care about thre s
th rest i dont have to to care about thre

the reste i dont have to care

i can always refuse every thougth i can let the rest god an
and allow flife life to flow i can let the rest

a gap

a fap gap
and i can choose the switch i an
choose the swithc i

i can choose the w
switch the switch

ican choose the feeling
i can d

chooee the feeling i can chooee the f
eeling i can dh

choosee the

ic an choose now to care not to
to care i can choose not to care
ic an choosee to move on with my life

i have to remember the power of me i have to remember
the power of me the power of me the
power of me i hve to remember the feelin of me

i have to take back me i have to take back me
the power of me the feeling of me

the poweer of me i have to take back the
feeling of me the power of me i have t

find the gap i have to find the gap i have to find
the gap

i have to find the gap

i have to find me i have to remember th power of me
i have

to remember the power of me i have to remember the power of me

i have to remember the poweer of me the feeling of me

remembering there is only ever the feeling of me

thre is only ever center there
is only ever consciousness
there is only ever consciousness there is only

ever god i know that all i can do is feel the
god feeling i now

that all i can do is feel the
god feeling i know that all ic an do is

feel the god feeling feel the
god feeling

releae the rest

why am i here
to relesae the rest relesae the falseness
and just feel god

i canlet go and let god i can come back to center
centeri can

i can come bck
to self

why am i here to remember how i want to fe
to feel cto

to choose how i want to feel right now
to choose
how i

want to feel right now to choose how i watn to

to feel right now

the feeling i get to choose how i want to feel right now
i get to feel how iw atn to feelright now
i get to feel how i

want to feel right now i get to chooe how i

i love that i dont have to care i
dont havet o care i dont have to care i dont have to

i dont have to care i dont have to care i
dont have to care

i can do ti i can do it i can do it for me i can do it for me
i can feel how i want to feel i can
feel how

how i want to feel i can feel how i want to feel
i can

feel how i want to feel ic an feel how iw ant to

i can come back to center i can relae the rest
i can choose

how iw atn to feel ic an
choose how iw ant to feel i can relse eht

all the false
everything flase i can release everything false

the one and only truth
i feel it first i get to enjoy the day

i get to enjoy the day
i get to

enjoy the day i get to enjoy the day
i get to enjoy the day i get to a

enjoy the day

i get to enjoy the day
the neergy of the day i get ito

to say yes to the enegy of life flowing through me i get to say yes
to the energy of life flowing through me
i get to feel good nwo i get to feel good now i get to feel

grateful i get to choose god and allow the rest to fun

unfold i ge tto chooe
god and allow the rst to unodl

unfold i gt to choose god first
and allow the resit to unffold

i get to choose it now i get to chooe it now
i get to

choose it now i get to choose god now i get to choose
god now i get to choose god now i get to choose god now