it’s my choice how i feel

i never have to run from
life i can sit here in this here and now
and say thank you i can
train my thoughts

i can change my thoughts and
change my life i love that i know i can
change my thoughts and my life
i love doing the work to feel good
because that’s all i can ever do i love
how my life has ended up i love
that i get to celebrate life and
that’s all i can do i love

feeling excited about life i love that
today is my day i love that

is my day i love that inever
have to wonder i love that i now life
only reflects me i love that
i know life

only reflects me i love that i now there
is always another mountain i love that
i know life is fun

i can let the poison go i can
let the demon go i can
let go of poisonous thoughts and enjoy life
i get to ne

enjoy life in this here and now
i get to celebrate this day

i know that no matter what
i am always going to have the choice
whether i lean into the flow
i am always going to have the choice

whether i lean into the flow

i am always going to have the choice
to celebrate how i feel i am always going to have the chocie
i love

gathering momentum i love
gathering momentum i love that i get to send the sgianl
and only me i love that i know i am

the one and only creator of my life
i love that i know i am
the one

and only

creator i love that i know i am the
one and only creator

of my life

i love that i’ve let that go i love
that i get to love who i am right now i love that
i get to celebrate this day with my wife

i love that i’ve chosen a good life for myself i love
that i am free as i want to be i love

i love that i am free as i want to be i love
taht i get to love myself i love that
i get to love myself i love myself i n
this here and now i love doing the work and

loving myself in this here and now i love
thepower of the of t

the practice i love the better it gets

i love that i now
i know its all a feeling i know its all a feeling
i know that life

is but a dream i love that
there is always more than enough i love that
there is always more than enough

enough i love that i get to feel good now
i love that i

get to celebrate now i love that i
get to celebrate now

i know only i am in control
of my vibration and how i feel i love
that i’ve become aware of certain
tings i love that
the vibration of me

i love that i know the
vibration of me
i love that i know what it feels like
to let things go and

choose the vibration of me i know
what it means to pracitce the feeling
and make the choice to nejoy

enjoy life right now i love
that i get to say yes thank you because this
is how it is and i love that i

never have to wonder i just keep

ys thank you and life loves me back

i know that everything is a feeling
and i never have to wonder i know that
life loves me i know that life

is a feeling i know that life
is meant to be a feeling i know that life
loves me i know that

loife loves mie and i can
refuese to

suffer i get to make the chociet o
refuse to suffer rightnow

i love good customer service

i love that we are on the
rise i love thatl ife

i love that life loves me

i feel good now and i’ve let the
rst go i love that i am

brave enough to let go
of resistance

i love that i get to love me i love
that i have the power to love me i lovet hat
i know i love that il’ve

i’ve learned that life

is always working out in my favor i love that i’ve learned that life

loves me i love that i’ve learned that life
loves me i love that i get to send the siganl i love
that i now it

it only
ever is the siganl and i an
do i i

i am allowed

i am allowing

myslef to send the siganl of yes
i love that i’ve let that go i love that
i’ve deciced t

not to care i love that
i am sending the
signal of what i want to receive

i am

renouncing my humanhood because
i know that

i know that abundanc is

is infinite

i’ve noticed that’ iv’e

i’ve beenmaking the
choice to worry and woner and

stress and i know that i can

simply trust this here and now
i know that life follows the feeling

i have to be brave enough to feel the feeling fiirst

to kno that

to know that

my supply is my connection with god
and i know i can help myself

i can connect with my higher power
and entails

remembering who i am

remembering that i am not separate
and that life is always reflecting me i love that
i get to make the choice i love that

i get to make the choice

i love thati can

can make the choce to

choice to feel connected to god
i love that i can

open the space i love that
i can make the chocie to love
i lovethat

that i get to make the choicet o

be free of my worries
and refuse to suffer