its never not me

its never not me and i can choose to find
to see something lse i can choose to look for something else

i love real friendships
i love when the person cares about me i love
feeling loved and appreciated i love

that i am already fulfilled i love thati know
i am already fulfilled i love that
i get to celebate that truth i love that i know awreness

is all there is awareness is all there is ti sme

its never not me its never not me

i can chose lovve i can always cchoosee love and l

i love that we get to start a new
era i lvoe that i get to find myself again i love

that i get to focus on the feeling of me and i now that is
all there is

as i turn toward god towrad aawreness
the rets works its self out
as i turn torwas god toward awrness
the reset falls into poace
i love that
i can allow life to fall into place i love that i can trust life

completely i ilove that i do get to change i love that
i g

i do get to change i do get to change

i love that i dont have to ccare
i love that i ge tto choose love today what can love do

today i

i loe feeling good i love having fun
i love

the god self i love seeing the god self i love that i nwo tis m e
i love that i now life refelcts me
i love that i get to hoose myself i love that i

get to do this work

the feeling work all there is is the feeling work
all i love that i nokw me i love that i

can always be aware of the real me of the god self

the porximit to the god self
nothing else matters i love tht i can choose to love
even when i dont agree i love that
i can choose to love

even when i dont agree i love that i can always do this work that it feels better to
do thiw work i love

turnint the corned i love that
i can i love that i know i can i love that
ic an do the work i can choose
to feel different abbout msyelf and my life

i can chooset o feel love about my life
i can choose

to feel grateful i can choose to feel grateful i can choose
the feeling the flow the feeling

i want to fel i want to feel

i knwo its me creating that vversoin

would you prefer?

just the two of us haha
but i now i dont really want that either bc i do mis her domeons

something real someint
real thats what i would prefer soemthing real
and i now the only real thing is god so

there you go

i focus on the only thing thats real and allowt he
rst to ollwo

awareness is all there is and i can always come back to it
i know that awareenss is

all there is and i can always come back to it i love hat
i know its all me i know its all me i nkow

i knwo the flow of me i no

awareenss is all there is i love that
i know tis all me i love that


knkow that i can chooes to feel good now i can
feel good now i can

feel good now

i love that i can just watch i love that
i get to watch i love that i have the tools i love that
its up to m

me how i feel i love that i know its up to me
how i feel i love that i get to do the work here and now i love that

that i get to do wht ethe work here and onw
i love that i get to

to do the work

i love that i now it me and awrenss is the only owrk
i lovee that i know awrenss is the only work

how i feel is the only owrk and only
i can be in control of how i feel

only i get to choose to feel cu
succesful only i get to choose to feel successful

i get to choose to feel it and allow god to fill
in the rest

so grateful i know god loves me and is always on my side
so graet

i get to expect the beest i get to
expect the best i get to be awre of what
i expect and i

expcect the best and i

expccect the best

i love tha i dont have to care that i get to
choose i am and let god fill int he rest i love that
i dot have to

to ccare i j
get to just feel i know that feeling is the secret i know that feeling is a
ll all there is knkow

that the feelis is all there is
is the one aodn and only truth and i get to chose it
i know that feeling is theo ne and only

truth an di get to feel it i can always jut
to go dand allow the rest i gt to
return to godna dallow the rest

i love feeling energyized i love
feeling creating i love that
i get to feel good i love that i get to do whateer i want
i love that
i get to expect the best i love that
tisa ll good i love that life

is flowing

i love that i now its me i love that
i wo

i knkow all of life is woring out for me and i get to
celebrate i loe that i get to expect

the best and its that eay i love that i get to expect the
best and its that easy to feel good

its all bout the feeling i know that the feeling i
s the only work