its not up to me

what happens is not up to me

what unfolds is not up to me
all that is up to m
to e is the feeling of god and

i can’t care aboutt he
the rest i now i can’t
care i know i can’t

i knwo it’s it’sll
it’ll never be enough

and so i can let go right now i can
let go right
right now and its just that
that easy to be the sun


i am the sun

i need not shine on
anything else and i know this
i know the power of me and the poer

the power of the feelign i know i know hat life
can only ever ev

ever ever reflect the feeling and the only choose i have to
is to choose how i want to feel right now the
only choice i hae its to choose how i want to feel right now


the feeling and release the rest
let the rest slip out of me and into the nothingness

the no-thing-ness

the yes in the no-thing-ness

and that’s all there is i know that
i am one who lloves i know that

my resevoir for love is never depleted
i know that i am god and i never need anything

i know that i am complete i know that i am

i kow it doesn’t matter i know i dont
need anything i know i dont need anything i know

i don’t need anything
i never havee to add anything

i know its just doesnt’ mater
i know its a feeling

i know its reflects me
i know

it relfects
it reflects me

reflects me it

its me its me its me
its never outside of me

its never outside of me
its me i now its its me

i know its me and i can release i get to choose
to release

to beocme aware i get to be aware
i get to love without knowing why

i get to love without
kknowing why

i get to love within out
without knwoing why

i get to let it go i get to not
not care i get to choose not to care

not caring is the best feeling the
best feeling

is esay to remember its only
ever the feeling just choose it just

choose to feel the feeling i prefer

that’s all ica n do is love for no reason
because tl
love its lawy

always the anser to everything love is always the


answer to everything i know this
i know this i know
i know this its

easyt oremember and its eay to practicce
i dont havee to care and

and i neverr have to give my power away
i neverr have

to give my power away
i never hae to and i loe that i know

this its eay to remember and
its easy to remember ot just no

lookk it its seay to remember not to care


easyt o release
its eato ato let it all go its eay t

its easy

i love when i truly dont care
and that is the

i reele

i reelae i release it reelase it ha
it all ihave to i have to i have to i

have to i have to i have do

its me

its me it s

me and i have to decide i have to
choose awareness and that’s all i can

i have to choose awarenss

i choose awareness and thats’
all i can do is focus here and now that’s
all i an do
is focus herehere and now

that’s all i can dis release ita ll taht

i can’t care i can’t care
all i an co is enoy the ride

all ic an so
is enjoyt eride
all i

can do is enjoy the ride all i can en
do is nejoy god here with me
athat’s all i need and i

i have it here wth me alaway s
i hvav

have t
god with me alawys i have god flowing through me
i allow well bing i allowing

healing i allow well being

i allow i wallow healing i get out of the aw
anw allow life i get t
out of the

i release the tension
i relesae caring i reese

caring i release caring

i release i release evertyhing

i release i release i releasa and sink o
into awareensa

all i can do is sink itnot hre present momtn
all i can do is put all my attneiton on it all i can
is relaee all i can

it doesnt matter it

it doeesnt matter
i love that id
it doesnt that its so eay to reember
that is so eay to allow
wel being that its

so eay to allow well being its easy
to allow well being

is eay to allow wellbieng
its w

easyt to flip thw
the switch

to allow well being to

release it sal

all it feels so good to release it all

it feels so good to release it all
it feels so good to
release it all

let it all fush
gush out of me

it f

so good to just trust to tur

just trust everything that is
it feels so good

to trust everything that

is that is feels so good
to trust t

everything that is

it’s easy to remember its only me
and let the rest go its

easy to remember its only
me and

its easy to remember its easy to remember
i dont have to care
to ake

take my powe and

back and feel the ulitmate feeling

not caring

it’s easyt o feel to feel the ultimate
feeling of not caring its easy to fel

its easy to release it all
and feel god fill it up

its eay to let jesuse take the whell