it’s only ever me

and i’m so graeful to remember to remember the feeling of me

i get to feel good i get to say yes i get to spread
happiness wherever i go i

get to spread happiness wherever i go i

get to spread happiness

wherever i go

it’s me and i can say thank you
for the inspiration

every time i see that i will say thank you for

the inspiration
for remembering who ia m

for remembering that awreness
is well being and i am allowing
well being to flow i know i know here i

wher i’

where i’ve been and i kow the pathless path back

i know im back i know im back
here and now right now that

all ther is i love that i knwo its not a path

its a here and now and i love that
i g
know i love that iam ware
i love that i knwo its neveray
anything bised

besides the feeling

i get to feel the feeling i get to feel the
feeling i get to feel the
i ge to feel the feeling

i get to feel the feeling i love that
i get ot love

where ia m right now i love that i know the feleing
of me i love that i know the
feeling og me
and i know that

because i know the feeling is all
there is i know everything is created in the subconscious
i know everything is created in the sub conscious

i know everything is created in the subconscious
i know everything

is created in the subconscious
i lvoe that

i know i am the creator of me i know the power

i know the feeling

i know the feeling i kow the feeling of me
i get to choose it i gt to

the feeling of me the feeling
of me the feeling

of me the feeling of me the
feeling of me the

the feeling i love the feeling of me
i love the feeling of me

i love the feeling

of me i love the
feeling of me i love the

feeling of me i love the
feeling of me
i love the feeling of me
i l

i know the fee
the true feeling of me ii
i know the true

i am the feeling of me i am
the feeling of me
i am

the feeling of me i am the feeling of me

i am the feeling of me
i am

the feeling of me
i am the feeling of me

i am the god self i am
the god self
i am

the god self
i am the god self

i am the god self

its me i’m doing the work
to be aware im doing the work
to be the god self to remember the
feeling of the god self

i know the feeling

i love feeling good i loe that ia m aware

i love that i am ware
of who ia m of how i feel of

how i’ve been feeling and i love i love that
life helps me elevate

life helps me upgrade i

i am aware of how i want to feel about life and myself
i am

aware of how i feel i am aware of how i feel
i love the feeling of not caring what happens

i love that i get to i love that
ig et to feel the feeling
that i know the feeling of god is all ther is and i can always choose it

i get to feel the feeling of yes i
get to feel the feeling of abundance

i get to feel the way i want to feel i get to choose teh
way i want to feel in life and i get to

feel it iget to feel it now and the owrk

always ehlps i love that i get to do the work
for me i love that i get to feel

do the wor from
for me
that i’m brave enough to choose how i want
to feel that i’m brave enough to choose
to feel good

that i’m brave enough to choose to feel how iw ant to fele

brave enought co hoo

to choose the feeling iw atn to feel
to choose teh
version i prefer to look inside

inside me
to look inside me

so gratefuli get to look inside me

i love
i live from the feeling of me i lo
i know i now hwo i

how i want to feel i know the
seat of awrenes

i know tis me i know the power of me i know the

the poewr of me i know he pwoer of me i know the
the poer of me i choose the

the power of me i choose teh power of me