it’s only ever me

and i come here to check in
to remember and to do the only work that matters
to reast

rest to relax to feel rejuvenated in
the here and now to feel

the relief of knowing that life
is conspiring in my favor i love
that i know that life
is conspiring in my favor
i love that i never have tow on

to wonder or worry or
create the version i dont

i can always choose to create the
version i prefer i can always choose
to create the version i prefer
i can look for whati want

i want and i’m
getting better and better
at creating the version i prefer

i’m getting bettter and
better at creating the verison
i prefer i =’

i’m getting better and better
and better at creating the
version i prefer i love that i getot
to choose aht i look
what i look for i

am getting batt

better at celebrating the
good parts and just looking for love

looking for what i want to see more
of and knowing that
i don’ t

even need to ay

pay attention to the rest i don’t

even need to pay attention to the rest i ilovethat
i get to love myself that i get to choose
the version i want i love that
life is good i love that
i get to choose to

feel good in my body choose
to feel good now to feel

to feel

in this here andn ow i can
i can alwys feel

feel the relief of the vortex i cn
always feel relief in the vortex
i can always make the choice

right now
i make the choice
and that is all i can do

i make the choice to tt
turst trust life i make i make thechoic
the coihce to trust life
i make the choice

to trust the flow of lie
to know it’s only

ever me

i love that
there is so much to love i ilove that
i get to choose love
i love

the better it gets and that
i get to make the choice to love
i love

that i get to to make the choice to love to
look for love i love

that i get to make the choice
to love i love that i
get to make the choice to love

i can release i release

i release
anything that doesn’t serve me

i release the past

i release it totally

from my life experience
i love that i know
i don’ thave to think about

replay it

try to recreate it
i love that i know it doesn’t

matter an di have i have the power to
lookf with
with life

love i have the power to look for love

i release everything i love the
feeling of release i love the
feeling of feeling good now

doing my best to feel to feel good now
i do my best
to feel good now and that

is all there is i know all there is
is how i feel now what i look for in this
here andnow all

all i

i love myself i love love

myself i love myself in this
this here andnow i love myself in this here andnow
i love feeling good i love feeling good i love
feeling the flow i love

where i am right now i love wher ei am
right no wi love that
everything is working out

for me right now i love
that everything is working out for me

right now
i love that

everything is working out for me right now
i love that i know

life loves me right now i love
that i know life

loves me right now i love that
i know

life is good life is good life is good
in this right now i love that
i get to love i love that
there is so much to love

so much to celebrate so

much to celebrate i love that
i know i lov that
i love that
i now

i love that i know i lovee that
i love that i know i love
that i know i love that
i know it’s only
eer me

ever me and i get to choose how i
feel if it is part of the dance

or not

i get to chosoe how i

choose how i feel i love that
i know i am always doing my best i love that
i get to choose to feel good now

i love hat i know that now is enough i love that
i now that
that now is enough i lovethat
i know i love

that i now i love that i am
doing the work the real work that only

the only work that matters i know for a fact
thatt his is the only work that matters
that the
work in the here and now

entering the here and now is
all that matters

because from the here and now
i know tht i am

not the one making anything

the energy is responding to my
expectation and that is all i love that
i know this

and i cna forgive myself for forgetting

because that is the
game of hide and
with god
that god created
to amuse

that’s all

i lovet hat i know that i knkow this
i know
i love that i am practiced at loving and
i can make the choice to do it

any time i lov that i
get to make the choice to

let it all go i love that i get otm ake
to make the choice to

celebrate this moment i love that i get to celebrate

this moment i love that
i get to

celebrate this

i love that i get to feel good i lovethat
that i
get to feel good i love that i
get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good i love that i get to love to feel the
flow flowing through me i love that i get to feel he

the flow flowing through me i love

raising my vibration i love
allowing myself to reaise my vibration i l

i love feeling connected to god
inthis here and now