it’s only ever me

it’s only ever me
i am the source iand
and i can feel gr

from it i can feel from it
i can feel from it
i geto thcoose it
get to become it then

see iti
i get to become it
then see it

and i’m here doing
the work to

to do that to remember who and wha ia m
what i am what i want to feel to remember i

get to choose to feel i get to choose

i get to choose it
get to be it get to be it

get to be it
get to

be it get to be

jut go back to aare


just go back to awarenss
just go
back to awarenss

just go back to awareness
and choose
just choose

choose just choose
just choose just choose

to return to awreness
to retrn to likeing my self

to return tot likein myself
to return to loving myself
to likeing myself
to loving myself to

knowing myself t

knowing what i am returntin
to returning to awarenss

and then ntohing else is ther e
i can do it i al

i can allow myself to let the rest
go i can allow myself to just be to
jut b

just be aware

i’m disappointed
in myself

but also happy with how it turned out
i’m happy with how it turned out and that’s so

something to celebrate that progress and im
so grateful for that that
everythignworkd out

so grateful we like our neighborhood
love our neighborhood love
our neighborhood and i love that we
get to i ilove i love that

that we get to i love that we get to
i love that we get to i love we get to

i love that we get to
i love that

i get to i love that i get to

i get to let it all go
i get to forgive myself

i get to nto care and just be aware
just be aware and then it’s not so serious
it just is and i accept it
i accept it i accpet it

so grateful for what i have so
graeful for where i am and the life i’ve buld
so grateful for the life we have

for what i know is true

that i can always areturn to awreness
so grateful i know now

i am just awareness
and that’s it i get o ch
to chooe it i get to choose it

i can always return to awareness which is the

which is detachment
which is god which is everything
and i never hae to

or stress over some objective experience

i can always choose to simply return to my natural state
of purebliss
pure bliss and

enjoylife from thep lace of the

so graetful i know and i know the feeling
so well i know the place so well
i know the feeling of total confidence
so well i know the

the feeling of doing me of lving me
no matter what of knowing i am

i AM the powerful creator

i am

i am and that’s all there is
i love that i
get to choose

i get to choose i get to choose

get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose i get to choose

where i am what i am the
observer position

releasing the rest i get to
release the rest

i get to

i’m there and i get to chosoe so
if its not like that then make

it how you want it feel from think from that place
think fro that place and that is

that is whree you are that is
how you live

i must chosoe to love myself
to love the feeling of god loving me

i know that god loves me i know i am perfection
i know i ma love and i know that i
get to choose how i fee

how i see myself and i love when i

i get to choose how i see myself
what i think about i

get to choose what i think about
and how i see myself
i getot choose

how i

i see myself i get to choose how i see myself

i get to choose how i see myself

i can live life for me i can live life

from the center of me i know who i am i know
what i am

i remember who

what i am
and it’s easy to return
to choose teh feleing i want to f

feel and that’s all it is
and i love that it’s so easy i love that
it’s easy t

that i knwo i can always choose life i can

always choose life

i an can alwasyc hoose life i can
i can always

choose to be the observer
i can alwasy choose to be
the observer

i am the observer i am the observer
and i get to release all else
i nkow i am

i am the

i am the feeling the feeling is everything
the feeling is all there is


is all there is

the focus on the feeling i’m going to decide to feel
loved i’m going to decide to feel loved i

get to decide to feel that to be that
to be the

the source and the substance of my supply

i am the source and the substance of my supply

through my consciousness of my god self
(the observer)
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance
of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

is mk supply

my consciousness of the presence
of god within me is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of
the observer within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of the
observer within me is my supply